Distribution from the Field Museum-Oxford University Expedition, 1934
Accession Lot
- Object[21]
- near eastern[21]
- amphora[1]
- amulet[1]
- bowl sherd[1]
- coffin[1]
- die[1]
- game piece[1]
- hebrew bowl[1]
- jar[2]
- jug[1]
- ladle[1]
- rhyton[1]
- rim sherd[1]
- sherd[8]
- early islamic[1]
- islamic[1]
- neo-babylonian[1]
- parthian[2]
- sassanian[6]
- bird[1]
- circle[2]
- female bust[1]
- fish[1]
- tree[1]
- ceramic[15]
- glass[4]
- quartz[1]
- terracotta[1]
1 - 21 of 21 Records

1 - 21 of 21 Records