Purchased from H. A. Monday, 1929
Accession Lot
- Object[1,895]
- american[1,895]
- amulet[8]
- arm band[1]
- arrowhead[3]
- awl[2]
- ball[2]
- balls[1]
- bead[33]
- bead fragment[5]
- beads[34]
- beaker[4]
- bell[6]
- blade[14]
- borer[1]
- boss[2]
- bowl[13]
- bowl fragment[3]
- cameo[5]
- carving[4]
- celt[14]
- chisel[6]
- core[10]
- cup[3]
- disc[4]
- disc fragment[2]
- dish[5]
- drill[1]
- ear disc[11]
- ear rod[1]
- effigy urn[33]
- effigy vessel[7]
- effigy vessel fragment[1]
- femur[5]
- figurine[1,054]
- figurine fragment[7]
- figurines[2]
- flake blade[42]
- flute[1]
- grinding stone[2]
- hand stone[2]
- head[1]
- horse femur[1]
- incense burner[18]
- incense pan[2]
- incense pan handle[7]
- jar[1]
- knife[1]
- labret[4]
- mask[7]
- maskette[3]
- metate[1]
- mica[1]
- mirror[2]
- mold[1]
- necklace[17]
- needle[1]
- olla[6]
- ornament[23]
- ornament fragment[1]
- ornament fragments[4]
- pebble[10]
- pendant[190]
- pestle[1]
- pipe[3]
- pitcher[6]
- plaque[1]
- plaster[1]
- point[103]
- points[1]
- potsherd[1]
- rattle[14]
- ring[4]
- ring fragment[1]
- ritual blade[1]
- scraper[6]
- sheath[1]
- sherd[14]
- shoe[1]
- smoothing stone[1]
- spindle whorl[120]
- spindle whorls[4]
- spoon[1]
- spouted vessel[1]
- stamp[17]
- statue[3]
- statue fragment[4]
- statuette[6]
- tablet[6]
- tau blade[8]
- teapot[4]
- toy[5]
- tripod bowl[8]
- urn[6]
- urn fragment[3]
- vase[9]
- vessel[13]
- vessel foot[20]
- vessel fragment[2]
- war club head[2]
- weight[4]
- whistle[2]
- acatzingo[2]
- amecameca[1]
- atlixco[1]
- atzcapotzalco[16]
- chalchicameca[1]
- chalchicomula[3]
- chalco[6]
- chicontepec[1]
- chimecatitlan[1]
- cholula[14]
- coatco[1]
- coatepec[5]
- coatitlan[9]
- coatlinchan[18]
- coban[2]
- coyoacan[2]
- cuatotolapam[2]
- cuernavaca[2]
- cuicuilco[3]
- cuilapam[3]
- distrito federal[862]
- ejutla[5]
- etla[12]
- guatemala[29]
- guatemalan highlands[27]
- guebeche[2]
- guila[3]
- huexotla[33]
- huexotzingo[3]
- huitzo[2]
- jotimihuacan[1]
- metepec[3]
- mexico (central america)[1,866]
- mexico city[1]
- mexico state[19]
- miahuatlan[2]
- mitla[30]
- mixteca[99]
- mixteca alta[123]
- mixteca baja[2]
- monte alban[2]
- morelos[2]
- niazapam[1]
- nochixtlan[26]
- notzpec[1]
- oaxaca[136]
- oaxaca (mexican state)[613]
- oaxaca valley[8]
- ocotlan[24]
- papalutla[3]
- pochutla[2]
- puebla (mexican state)[22]
- rio atoyac[6]
- roalo village[1]
- s. fr. cuautla[1]
- san bartolo[17]
- san carlos yautepec[9]
- san diego (mexico)[1]
- san felipe del agua[1]
- san juan de taviche[1]
- san juan teotihuacan[763]
- san juan teotitlan del camino[12]
- san juan teposcolula[28]
- san lazaro[6]
- san lorenzo[1]
- san miguel[1]
- san miguel tlequesciapal[1]
- san miguel tlichiapam[1]
- san pablo[1]
- san pedro taviche[5]
- santa rosa (mexico)[2]
- santiago minas[2]
- sc[1]
- second pyramid of the sun[1]
- state of mexico[33]
- sultepec[2]
- sutepec[1]
- t[1]
- taviche[1]
- tehuacan[3]
- tejupam[3]
- tenexpa[2]
- teotihuacan[127]
- teotihuacan (mexico)[1]
- teposcolula[2]
- tequis[7]
- texcoco[31]
- tlacolula[5]
- tlahuac[2]
- tlalixtac[17]
- tlalnepantla[5]
- tlaxcala[11]
- tlaxiaco[2]
- valley of mexico[10]
- veracruz (mexico)[4]
- xoxo[2]
- yanhuitlan[2]
- yautepec[2]
- zaachila[5]
- zoquiapan[2]
- archaic[33]
- early zapotec[1]
- incised[1]
- modern[3]
- monte alban ii[4]
- monte alban iii[4]
- post-cortesian[36]
- toltec i[249]
- toltec ia[158]
- toltec ii[321]
- toltec iia[4]
- central american[1,895]
- 40 miles from mexico city[1]
- ;[1]
- aztec mound[1]
- border of puebla and oaxaca; from zapotecan tomb[1]
- burial place[46]
- cave[1]
- dug up near local pyramid of the sun[1]
- found in a brick pit 8-10 m. below surface[1]
- found in a brick pit 8-10 m. below surface.[1]
- found in a brick pit in second stratum.[7]
- found in a brick pit, 8-10 m. below surface.[1]
- found in brick pit 8-10 m. below surface.[7]
- found in cave[5]
- found in digging foundation for american hospital?[1]
- found in sepulchre[1]
- found in temple ruin[1]
- found in the primitive stratum of the pyramid.[3]
- found in tombs[15]
- from "mogote"[1]
- from a tomb[2]
- from about 12 feet below the surface[1]
- from burial mound near mitla[1]
- from burial place[8]
- from cave temple[2]
- from cave temple, facing mate 29-41-739, with god's niche empty. cave entrance covered by land-slide, located by tradition[1]
- from fortress near papaloapam river[1]
- from fortress near papaloapam river chain of forts on both banks[1]
- from grave[2]
- from house ruins[1]
- from large cave which held many objects[1]
- from large cave.[1]
- from large mound atop small mountain, at head of burial, covered with dressed slab.[1]
- from mogote[13]
- from mogote (mound of temple rubbish or tomb)[1]
- from mound grave[1]
- from nearby tomb[1]
- from painted temple[1]
- from puebla-oaxaca border[1]
- from ruin[1]
- from ruined tomb[1]
- from ruins[1]
- from ruins nearby santa rosa[1]
- from small mound[1]
- from subterranium of temple[1]
- from teccalli, destroyed by bernal diaz del casstillo's expedition[1]
- from temple rubbish[1]
- from tomb[36]
- from tomb under very large magote[1]
- from tomb, 40 miles east of oxaca city[1]
- from tomb, with obsidian mirror, 914. double burial. doubtful.[2]
- from tomb.[1]
- from tomb. (magote)[1]
- from tombs[11]
- from under ruins of temple[1]
- from zapotec ruins near puebla border. xipe?[1]
- funeral cave[1]
- grave[2]
- hinzo de mogote[1]
- near etla[2]
- near mitla, dug from sand bank[1]
- near ocotlan[1]
- near santa rosa hacienda[1]
- near tlacalula, santa cruz papalutla[1]
- nearby[2]
- s. pa.[1]
- santiago cuilapam[1]
- shaman's grave[5]
- site "cal---"[3]
- site "p"[41]
- site "t"[1]
- site che --[1]
- site p[13]
- southern oaxcaca[1]
- tomb[15]
- tomb with 915 and 916[1]
- tomb.[1]
- tombs[7]
- washed out of a river bank.[1]
- animal[2]
- animal figure[6]
- animal head[14]
- axe god[25]
- badger[7]
- badger head[1]
- badger?[3]
- bat[1]
- bat god[6]
- bat?[1]
- beetle[1]
- bird[6]
- bird head[11]
- body[7]
- butterfly[1]
- cap[1]
- chalchihuitlicue[1]
- chief[2]
- christian symbol[1]
- claw[10]
- column[6]
- conch[1]
- coyote head[2]
- cross[2]
- crown[6]
- cup[1]
- dog[27]
- dog head[1]
- eagle[4]
- eagle claw[3]
- eagle head[1]
- ehecatl[1]
- face[5]
- fawn?[1]
- feline[1]
- fire god[36]
- fish[1]
- flower[20]
- foot[4]
- frog[1]
- girdle[1]
- god[3]
- goddess[1]
- grave[1]
- hand[3]
- head[526]
- headdress[6]
- heads[278]
- helmet[2]
- hermes?[1]
- horse[1]
- human[2]
- human face[2]
- human figure[6]
- ixquintli[1]
- jaguar[2]
- king[1]
- leg[1]
- lily pad[2]
- macuilxochitl[5]
- male head[1]
- maltese cross[1]
- mask[20]
- mollusk shells[3]
- monkey[3]
- mountain sheep?[2]
- ocelot[5]
- ocelot?[1]
- ocelotl[14]
- old god[43]
- old god?[3]
- old goddess[9]
- old goddess?[1]
- old one[3]
- old priest[1]
- owl[3]
- owl head[3]
- ozomatli[14]
- ozomatli?[10]
- paw[1]
- priest[5]
- priest?[3]
- rabbit[7]
- rain god[78]
- rain god?[5]
- saint[2]
- seated figure[4]
- serpent head[4]
- skull[2]
- snake[9]
- tlaloc[16]
- tochtli[2]
- tonatsin[3]
- torso[2]
- warrior[5]
- wolf?[3]
- xipe[2]
- xipe?[4]
- xochipilli[2]
- xochiquetzal[4]
- bone[6]
- brass[2]
- bronze[6]
- cement[1]
- ceramic[229]
- chalcedony[13]
- clay[31]
- copper[16]
- deer horn[1]
- flint[8]
- fossil shell[1]
- glass[16]
- gold[1]
- granite[6]
- greenstone[30]
- gypsum[1]
- horse bone[1]
- iron[2]
- iron pyrite[1]
- jadeite[144]
- jasper[3]
- lava stone[6]
- mica[1]
- mother-of-pearl[2]
- obsidian[175]
- onyx[2]
- paint[4]
- pigment[1]
- porphyry[1]
- quartz[4]
- serpentine[1]
- shell[17]
- silver[3]
- steatite[26]
- stone[118]
- talc[1]
- terracotta[1,055]
- black ware[1]
- brown ware[3]
- carved[28]
- drilled[1]
- engraved[6]
- glazed[2]
- incised[53]
- painted[35]
- polished[36]
- polychrome[1]
- red ware[1]
- slipped[49]
- unfinished[1]
- actual citation[28]
1 - 30 of 1,895 Records

1 - 30 of 1,895 Records