Gift of the Estate of Elizabeth Lyons, Keeper of the Asian Collections, University Museum, 1989
Accession Lot
- Object[523]
- no[523]
- 3D Model[2]
- anvil[2]
- architectural fragment[2]
- bangle[11]
- base fragment[2]
- basket[54]
- basket lid[10]
- batik patterning stamp[1]
- bead[2]
- beads[2]
- bell[1]
- belt hook[1]
- betel box[4]
- betel box lid[1]
- betel box tray[1]
- bowl[31]
- bowl lid[4]
- box[3]
- box lid[3]
- building fragment[4]
- cage[1]
- cake mold[1]
- carving[9]
- carving fragment[1]
- carvings[1]
- chest[1]
- cigarette box[3]
- cigarette box lid[1]
- cloth[1]
- coaster[3]
- cup[41]
- cup fragment[2]
- dish[12]
- dish lid[2]
- drawing[5]
- drinking cup[3]
- fan[2]
- figure[10]
- figurine fragment[9]
- finial[1]
- food cover[4]
- garment fragment[1]
- handle[1]
- head[1]
- horse trapping[2]
- ink box[1]
- ink box lid[1]
- ink stick[2]
- ink stone[5]
- jar[1]
- jarlet[8]
- knife[1]
- lid[2]
- lintel[1]
- lizard[1]
- loom part[1]
- manuscript[4]
- manuscript page[13]
- manuscript pages[3]
- market basket[1]
- medallion[1]
- miniature[1]
- mold[16]
- object[1]
- painting[33]
- panel[1]
- pipe[1]
- platter[7]
- pot[10]
- printing block[4]
- relic box lid[1]
- relief[4]
- rice harvesting tool[1]
- rice strainer[1]
- roller[8]
- roof support[3]
- roof supports[3]
- rubbing[8]
- scale[2]
- seal (object)[1]
- seal impression[10]
- sherd[10]
- shuttle[1]
- spindle whorl[1]
- spinning top[3]
- spoon[11]
- stamp[5]
- stand[2]
- statue[1]
- statue fragment[24]
- statuette[16]
- stick[4]
- suspension hook[2]
- tile[2]
- toy[3]
- trunk[2]
- vase[4]
- votive[2]
- votive tablet[14]
- wall hanging[11]
- weight[3]
- asia[28]
- ayutthaya[5]
- bali (indonesia)[1]
- ban chiang[12]
- bhutan[2]
- bogyoke market[6]
- borneo[2]
- burma[50]
- cambodia[21]
- central burma[1]
- china[115]
- guangdong[1]
- haripunchai[1]
- india[15]
- indonesia[3]
- japan[15]
- java[4]
- korea[1]
- lamphun[1]
- malay archipelago[9]
- nakhon sri thammarat[1]
- north thailand[15]
- north-west frontier[1]
- northeast thailand[5]
- northern luzon[4]
- pagan[18]
- pakistan[1]
- penninsular thailand[13]
- philippine islands[14]
- phnom penh[1]
- rangoon[8]
- sankampheng[1]
- sawankhalok[1]
- sindh[10]
- south china[1]
- southeast asia[13]
- southern china[2]
- sukhothai[2]
- thailand[220]
- tibet[3]
- u-thong[1]
- upper burma[3]
- vietnam[11]
- 19th century[12]
- 20th century[11]
- amarapura period[2]
- ayutthaya period[17]
- bangkok period[3]
- bronze age[3]
- bronze age, thailand[3]
- chiangmai[1]
- chiangsen[1]
- contemporary[7]
- dvaravati period[3]
- hariphunchai[2]
- konbaung dynasty[5]
- ming dynasty[2]
- prehistoric[9]
- qing dynasty[2]
- song dynasty[4]
- sukhothai period[11]
- taungoo dynasty[1]
- u-thong period[3]
- abhaya mudra[2]
- abhidhamma[1]
- animal[1]
- animal head[1]
- animals[4]
- apsara[1]
- apsaras[2]
- asubha kammatthana[1]
- bhumisparsa mudra[3]
- bird[8]
- birds[1]
- birth[1]
- boat[1]
- bodhi tree[2]
- bodhisattva[1]
- bovine[1]
- buddha[18]
- buddha arm[1]
- buddha hand[4]
- buddha head[11]
- buffalo?[1]
- butterfly[1]
- calligraphy[1]
- chariot[1]
- chet kamphi[1]
- children[1]
- corpse meditation[1]
- cow[2]
- deva[1]
- devi[2]
- dhyana mudra[2]
- dog[1]
- dragon[1]
- duck[1]
- elephant[2]
- epic[1]
- erawan[1]
- farmer[1]
- female deity[1]
- female figure[1]
- female head[1]
- figure[1]
- figures[2]
- fish[5]
- floral[5]
- flower[1]
- flowers[4]
- foliage[4]
- ganesha[3]
- garuda[2]
- geometric[3]
- goat[1]
- hamsa[2]
- hanuman?[1]
- head[2]
- heaven[1]
- hell[1]
- heron[1]
- hongsa[1]
- horse[2]
- horses[2]
- house[1]
- human face[1]
- human figure[1]
- human figures[1]
- hunter[1]
- indra[3]
- jambhupati[1]
- jataka tales[4]
- jualamani stupa[1]
- kinnari[1]
- kneeling figure[1]
- leaf[1]
- leaves[1]
- lion[2]
- lion head[1]
- lizard[1]
- lotus bud[1]
- lotus flower pod[1]
- man[3]
- manuscript[1]
- mara[1]
- mask[1]
- māleyya[1]
- meditation[1]
- monk[3]
- naga (snake)[6]
- peacock[4]
- phra malai[9]
- punnaka[2]
- seated buddha[8]
- sheep[2]
- shin upagou[2]
- star[2]
- stupa[2]
- trees[2]
- vidhura[2]
- vidhurapandita jataka[2]
- virasana[6]
- women[2]
- bamboo[23]
- basketry[50]
- board[1]
- bone[3]
- brass[12]
- brocade[2]
- bronze[42]
- burlap[1]
- ceramic[103]
- clay[25]
- cloth[10]
- copper[1]
- cotton[14]
- fiber[7]
- fibers[1]
- gilded[5]
- gilding[6]
- glass[6]
- gold leaf[3]
- ink[8]
- ivory[2]
- jade[1]
- jewel[1]
- khoi paper[13]
- lacquer[29]
- leather[2]
- metal[18]
- mica[1]
- mirrors[8]
- mother-of-pearl[1]
- nails[3]
- paint[10]
- palm leaf[7]
- paper[35]
- paste[1]
- pigment[24]
- plant fiber[3]
- plaster[10]
- plexiglas[1]
- porcelain[52]
- rattan[1]
- sandstone[2]
- schist[1]
- sequin[1]
- sequins[1]
- silk[7]
- silver[6]
- stone[6]
- stucco[4]
- terracotta[2]
- thayo[16]
- velvet[2]
- wicker[2]
- wood[84]
- appliqued[1]
- basketry[58]
- blanc de chine[4]
- carved[18]
- carving[8]
- casted[1]
- celadon[2]
- cire perdue[2]
- dyed[7]
- embossed[1]
- embroidered[10]
- fired[3]
- gilded[13]
- glazed[3]
- hand carved[3]
- inlaid[6]
- lacquered[28]
- lost wax casting[4]
- openwork[2]
- overglaze enameled[2]
- painted[9]
- relief[9]
- rubbing[2]
- sawankhalok ware[8]
- sewn[9]
- stoneware[3]
- sukhothai ware[1]
- swatow ware[1]
- thayo[9]
- tie dyed[1]
- unglazed[1]
- woven[16]
- maung paw sein[2]
- unknown[3]
1 - 30 of 523 Records

1 - 30 of 523 Records