Gift of the Philadelphia Commercial Museum (also known as the Philadelphia Civic Center Museum), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2003
Accession Lot
- Object[230]
- no[230]
- american[230]
- awl[1]
- axe[2]
- bag[1]
- bead[3]
- board[16]
- board fragment[5]
- bowl[1]
- box[1]
- box lid[1]
- bundle[1]
- canteen[2]
- cloth[37]
- cloth fragment[1]
- cover[2]
- cradle board[1]
- disc[1]
- disc fragment[5]
- dress[2]
- drug paraphrenalia[29]
- faja[2]
- jar[1]
- jug[1]
- lime spoon[1]
- lip plug[2]
- mitten[1]
- pantalon[2]
- pants[3]
- pitcher[1]
- poncho[4]
- pot[2]
- quiver[1]
- rope[1]
- sash[3]
- scraper[1]
- shield[2]
- snuff mortar[1]
- snuff palette[2]
- snuff tablet[4]
- snuff tube[5]
- spatula[20]
- spool[35]
- stick[1]
- stick fragment[4]
- storage jar[1]
- textile[1]
- tube[6]
- tzute[3]
- utility cloth[3]
- weaver's basket[1]
- wood fragment[5]
- wool[1]
- yarn[8]
- bolivia[1]
- central america[68]
- chile[109]
- guatemala[9]
- new mexico[1]
- peru[42]
- south america[68]
- pre-columbian[49]
- crow[1]
- crow (bird)[1]
- crow (culture)[1]
- crow agency[1]
- crow creek reservation[1]
- crow foot[1]
- crow indian agency[1]
- crow language[1]
- crow maiden[1]
- crow mother[1]
- crow reservation[1]
- crow wing county[1]
- huari[4]
- inca[33]
- pre-columbian[49]
- pueblo[1]
- red crow[1]
- dyed[2]
1 - 30 of 230 Records

1 - 30 of 230 Records