Purchased from Robert M. Zingg, 1938
Accession Lot
- Object[306]
- no[306]
- american[306]
- arrow[13]
- back-shield[12]
- bag[20]
- baton[1]
- belt[15]
- bowl[12]
- cattle call[1]
- ceremonial drum[1]
- ceremonial object[3]
- ceremonial staff[1]
- cup[1]
- faja[14]
- feather ornament[7]
- figure[2]
- god's chair[1]
- hairbrush[2]
- hat[1]
- headband[20]
- mantle[4]
- musical scraper[1]
- necklace[1]
- offering[1]
- peyote button[8]
- quiver[1]
- rattle[1]
- sandal[1]
- sash pouch[12]
- scapula[1]
- shaman's arrow[95]
- shaman's basket[11]
- shawl[4]
- shirt[4]
- tobacco container[6]
- tobacco gourd[4]
- trinket pouch[32]
- violin[1]
- violin bow[1]
- votive bowl[9]
- mexico (central america)[306]
- nayarit[297]
- huichol[306]
- central american[306]
- animal[1]
- god's eye[14]
- hummingbird[1]
- rosette[3]
- tree[1]
- agave leaf[11]
- bead[9]
- bees-wax[6]
- beeswax[1]
- bone[1]
- cane (plant)[26]
- cord[1]
- cotton[13]
- cow horn[1]
- deer skin[5]
- deerskin[1]
- dewclaws[1]
- feather[30]
- feathers[22]
- fiber[56]
- flannel[3]
- gourd[33]
- grass[5]
- grass stems[7]
- hawk feather[32]
- hide[1]
- horsehair[1]
- lacquer[9]
- metal[2]
- muslin[6]
- palm leaf[1]
- parrot feather[19]
- peyote[8]
- pigment[2]
- pitch[1]
- plant fiber[2]
- rawhide[1]
- silver[2]
- sinew[9]
- splint[1]
- squirrel tail[1]
- straw[3]
- tree trunk[1]
- wood[105]
- wool[116]
- wool yarn[7]
- basketry[11]
- braided[2]
- embroidered[5]
1 - 30 of 306 Records

1 - 30 of 306 Records