Cyprus Expedition; B.H. Hill, 1932
Accession Lot
- Object[1,463]
- mediterranean[1,463]
- amphora[104]
- amphoriskos[1]
- awl[9]
- axe[5]
- barrel jug[6]
- bead[2]
- beads[9]
- bird askos[1]
- blade[2]
- bones[1]
- bottle[12]
- bowl[169]
- bowl fragment[1]
- bronze fragment[1]
- coil[1]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[1]
- cooking pot[1]
- cup[22]
- dagger[25]
- disc[1]
- dish[10]
- dishes[1]
- disk[2]
- earring[5]
- fibula (pin)[6]
- figurine[6]
- finger ring[1]
- flask[33]
- goblet[1]
- grinding stone[1]
- hairpin[1]
- handle[1]
- hook[2]
- hydria[2]
- implement[1]
- jar[17]
- jug[285]
- juglet[10]
- knife[64]
- krater[3]
- kylix[18]
- leaf[1]
- metal fragment[1]
- neck sherd[9]
- needle[22]
- object[1]
- ornament[2]
- ornaments[1]
- pendant[1]
- pin[105]
- pitcher[1]
- pithos[2]
- plaque[1]
- plate[136]
- plate fragment[1]
- pot[7]
- pot stand[1]
- razor[9]
- ring[42]
- ritual object[1]
- rod[2]
- seal (object)[1]
- sheath[1]
- sherd[13]
- sherds[226]
- spindle whorl[27]
- spoon[1]
- strainer[1]
- sword[6]
- toe ring[4]
- toggle pin[14]
- tweezers[17]
- vase[2]
- vessel[2]
- whetstone[7]
- whorl[11]
- zoomorphic vessel[2]
- cypriot[1,442]
- 813b[1]
- tomb 39[1]
- tomb 4a[1]
- tomb 51[3]
- tomb 52[8]
- tomb 53 dromos[1]
- tomb 53a[55]
- tomb 53b[22]
- tomb 54[1]
- tomb 55[10]
- tomb 56[2]
- tomb 57[5]
- tomb 59[8]
- tomb 60[19]
- tomb 61[15]
- tomb 62[22]
- tomb 63[4]
- tomb 64[11]
- tomb 65[1]
- tomb 66[4]
- tomb 67[12]
- tomb 68[43]
- tomb 68?[1]
- tomb 6a[17]
- tomb 72a[3]
- tomb 72b[2]
- tomb 73[20]
- tomb 75[6]
- tomb 76[4]
- tomb 78[10]
- tomb 79[10]
- tomb 80[308]
- tomb 80-85[129]
- tomb 801[4]
- tomb 802[2]
- tomb 802a[36]
- tomb 802b[18]
- tomb 803a[15]
- tomb 803b[13]
- tomb 804a[89]
- tomb 804b[2]
- tomb 804d[10]
- tomb 804e[3]
- tomb 804g[15]
- tomb 804h[3]
- tomb 804i[4]
- tomb 804j[2]
- tomb 804k[4]
- tomb 804n[3]
- tomb 804o[2]
- tomb 804p[4]
- tomb 804q[3]
- tomb 804s[13]
- tomb 804t[2]
- tomb 805[47]
- tomb 806a[122]
- tomb 806b[8]
- tomb 806c[37]
- tomb 806d[6]
- tomb 807[2]
- tomb 80726[2]
- tomb 808[6]
- tomb 809c[2]
- tomb 809d[15]
- tomb 81[5]
- tomb 810[2]
- tomb 810a[4]
- tomb 810c[4]
- tomb 811a[10]
- tomb 812a[8]
- tomb 813a[16]
- tomb 813b[10]
- tomb 814[4]
- tomb 815b[4]
- tomb 815c[12]
- tomb 816[4]
- tomb 817a[5]
- tomb 817b[2]
- tomb 818[3]
- tomb 82[2]
- tomb 826a[5]
- tomb 826b[5]
- tomb 827[2]
- tomb 827a[2]
- tomb 827b[9]
- tomb 828a[8]
- tomb 829[2]
- tomb 829a[6]
- tomb 829c[14]
- tomb 83[3]
- tomb 832a[2]
- tomb 833a[2]
- tomb 835a[3]
- tomb 836a[4]
- tomb 837a[8]
- tomb 838[7]
- tomb 85[145]
- tomb 88[25]
- tomb p. 6 a[2]
- tomb p. 73[2]
- bichrome[2]
- bichrome i[3]
- bichrome ii[3]
- bichrome iii[7]
- black polished[12]
- black slip[2]
- black slip i[16]
- black slip ii[37]
- black slip iii[4]
- black-on-red i[15]
- black-on-red ii[10]
- black-on-red iii[13]
- black-on-red iv[10]
- black-on-red ware[1]
- cypriot coarse ware[8]
- gray polished i[10]
- gray polished iii[10]
- incised[2]
- painted[1]
- plain white[1]
- plain white i[1]
- red polished[134]
- red polished i[2]
- red polished ii[41]
- red polished iii[80]
- red slip[2]
- red slip i[11]
- red slip ii[4]
- red slip iii[11]
- red slip iv[3]
- white painted[11]
- white painted i[27]
- white painted ii[46]
- white painted iii[53]
- white painted iv[23]
- white painted v[2]
- white slip[1]
- actual citation[1,236]
1 - 30 of 1,463 Records
1 - 30 of 1,463 Records