Gift of Mrs. William H. Miller, 1897
Accession Lot
- Object[152]
- no[152]
- adze[1]
- arrowhead[4]
- arrowheads[3]
- axe[15]
- ball[1]
- bannerstone[4]
- bead[1]
- beads[2]
- blade[4]
- celt[34]
- chisel[2]
- dagger[8]
- disk[1]
- drill[1]
- fetish[1]
- flute[1]
- game stone[3]
- gouge[2]
- hammer[1]
- knife[16]
- mortar[1]
- muller[2]
- necklace[3]
- paint stone[1]
- pendant[1]
- pipe[3]
- pipe bowl[3]
- pipe tomahawk[1]
- polishing stone[4]
- projectile point[3]
- rattle[2]
- sabre[1]
- shark teeth[1]
- sling stone[2]
- spear head[3]
- spearhead[2]
- sticks[1]
- stone[12]
- sword[1]
- sword scabbard[1]
- adams county (mississippi)[17]
- alabama[2]
- arica[1]
- australia[2]
- bedford county (virginia)[1]
- bellmont mound[2]
- belvidere[1]
- binghamton[1]
- brandywine farm[1]
- bretagne[1]
- buncombe county[1]
- camden (south carolina)[13]
- carter's mills[1]
- chester county[1]
- clearfield farm[3]
- columbia river[1]
- darlington county[1]
- delaware county (pennsylvania)[4]
- delaware valley[3]
- denmark[6]
- eastern shore[2]
- france[3]
- germany[1]
- gloucester county[1]
- great britain[3]
- great plains (plain)[2]
- iowa[1]
- ireland[4]
- kent county (maryland)[1]
- kershaw[1]
- kershaw county[1]
- lake george region[1]
- little pine tree creek[1]
- maryland[2]
- massachusetts[6]
- mayence[1]
- mercer county[3]
- mississippi[19]
- mississippi valley[1]
- montgomery county (alabama)[1]
- montgomery county (tennessee)[1]
- montrose[1]
- narragansett bay[1]
- natchez (mississippi)[18]
- new caledonia[2]
- new jersey[5]
- new york[3]
- north america[4]
- north carolina[1]
- ohio[4]
- oregon[3]
- paris (france)[2]
- pennsylvania[7]
- peru[1]
- philiphaugh[3]
- plymouth[1]
- prince edward county[2]
- queen anne county[1]
- rhode island[1]
- river seine[2]
- salem[4]
- scandinavia[30]
- scotland[3]
- south america[1]
- south carolina[36]
- susquehanna county[1]
- sweden[5]
- tennessee[1]
- the dalles[1]
- trenton[3]
- tuscaloosa county[1]
- united states of america[92]
- virginia[4]
- warren county (new jersey)[1]
- west bridgewater[1]
- west chester[1]
- west indies[1]
- early woodland period[1]
- modern[1]
- neolithic[4]
- americana - uncertain[2]
- arawak[1]
- arikara[1]
- british[2]
- mandan[1]
- mound (culture)[1]
- neolithic[4]
- pawnee[1]
- sac & fox[1]
- sioux[1]
- alder wood[1]
- antelope hoof[1]
- bone[1]
- buckskin[1]
- catlinite[1]
- clay[2]
- concretion[1]
- eagle claw[1]
- flint[16]
- german silver[1]
- glass[1]
- granite[1]
- jasper[2]
- kangaroo teeth[1]
- metal[1]
- obsidian[1]
- pewter[2]
- quartz[2]
- quartzite[3]
- rawhide[1]
- seed pod[1]
- shark teeth[1]
- shell[4]
- sinew[1]
- soapstone[1]
- steatite[3]
- stone[107]
- tooth[1]
- wood[5]
- actual citation[53]
61 - 90 of 152 Records

61 - 90 of 152 Records