Baq'ah Valley (Jordan) Project, Patrick McGovern, 1981
Accession Lot
- Object[938]
- near eastern[938]
- anklet[16]
- arrowhead[3]
- arrowheads[1]
- astragalus[4]
- base[3]
- base fragment[10]
- base sherd[31]
- base sherds[10]
- bead[122]
- bead fragment[16]
- bead fragments[2]
- beads[29]
- blade[1]
- body sherd[24]
- body sherds[6]
- bowl[136]
- bowls[1]
- bracelet[20]
- ceramic[1]
- chalice[11]
- coin[1]
- cooking pot[2]
- cowrie shell[1]
- cup[1]
- cylinder[1]
- dagger[2]
- disc[2]
- disk[3]
- earring[61]
- earrings[1]
- fibula (pin)[2]
- figurine[1]
- fossil[1]
- fragment[2]
- fragments[1]
- glass fragment[6]
- glass fragments[4]
- handle fragment[5]
- handle sherd[47]
- handle sherds[4]
- iron fragments[1]
- jug[42]
- juglet[23]
- knife[1]
- krater[25]
- lamp[36]
- lamp sherd[5]
- lamp sherds[6]
- metal fragments[1]
- milk bowl[2]
- nail[2]
- neck sherd[1]
- object[1]
- omphalos[1]
- ostrich egg[1]
- pigment fragment[3]
- pilgrim flask[2]
- pin[2]
- plaster[1]
- pot[1]
- pot sherds[1]
- rhyton[1]
- rim[5]
- rim fragment[13]
- rim sherd[58]
- rim sherds[19]
- ring[15]
- ring fragment[36]
- rod[14]
- rod fragment[1]
- shell[8]
- shells[5]
- sherd[63]
- sherds[106]
- slag[1]
- spearhead[1]
- sphere[2]
- spout[2]
- stirrup jar[4]
- stone fragment[1]
- storage jar[4]
- strainer[1]
- tazza[1]
- toggle pin[10]
- toggle pin fragment[17]
- unidentified object[1]
- vessel[2]
- vessel fragment[3]
- vessel fragments[8]
- wire[3]
- baq'ah valley[938]
- jebel al-qesir[206]
- jordan[933]
- byzantine[1]
- byzantine period[1]
- hell[4]
- iron[31]
- iron age[9]
- iron age i[2]
- iron age ia[1]
- iron age ii[37]
- iron age iib[1]
- iron age iic[18]
- late bronze[32]
- late bronze age[13]
- late bronze i[2]
- late bronze ia[1]
- late bronze ib[2]
- late bronze ii[491]
- late bronze iia[1]
- late roman period[1]
- mycenaean period[2]
- ottoman[7]
- persian[1]
- roman[33]
- ud[65]
- white slip ii[1]
- mycenean[3]
- 1[45]
- 1 and 2[2]
- 2[24]
- 3[90]
- 10[2]
- 11[9]
- 12[6]
- 12, 16[1]
- 13[5]
- 14[16]
- 15[3]
- 16[2]
- 17[2]
- 18[3]
- 19[4]
- 1?[1]
- 22[1]
- 2b[8]
- 3 (filling of passage no. 11c)[1]
- 3 (filling of passageway "a" - see field notes of area 3 sketch no.)[1]
- 3 (filling of passageway "a")[1]
- 3 (passage x)[1]
- 3 (passageway no. "b" - see sketch[1]
- 4[53]
- 5[40]
- 5 and surface[1]
- 5 bottom level[1]
- 5, bottom level[1]
- 6[10]
- 6, 8, 9 in probe[1]
- 7[6]
- 8[60]
- 9[9]
- 9 and 11[1]
- balk trimming (weft balk)[1]
- basket 14, 8, 9, 42[1]
- basket 3.75[1]
- basket 33 locus 16[1]
- loci 1 and 3[1]
- loci 1, 3, 4, 8[1]
- loci 2/3/8[1]
- loci 3 and 4[1]
- loci 3, 4, 10[1]
- locu 1,2,3,4[1]
- locu 1,3[1]
- locus 1[18]
- locus 1 and 3[4]
- locus 1, ii.8.1[1]
- locus 1, 3[2]
- locus 1, 3, 4[5]
- locus 1, 4[1]
- locus 1,2,3,4,5[2]
- locus 1,3[3]
- locus 1,3,4[3]
- locus 1,3,4,8[1]
- locus 1,3,8[3]
- locus 1,8[1]
- locus 11[2]
- locus 12[2]
- locus 14[5]
- locus 2[1]
- locus 2,3,11[1]
- locus 3[82]
- locus 3 and 4[1]
- locus 3, 4[1]
- locus 3, 8[1]
- locus 3,4[2]
- locus 3,4,5[1]
- locus 3,4,5,8[1]
- locus 3,5[1]
- locus 3,8[1]
- locus 3,8,11[1]
- locus 3/12[1]
- locus 4[19]
- locus 4,8[1]
- locus 7[1]
- locus 8[24]
- locus 8, basket 74[1]
- locus 8/ 3?[1]
- mixed[7]
- mixed loci[4]
- surface[1]
- alabaster[1]
- basalt[4]
- bone[3]
- bronze[112]
- calcite[2]
- carnelian[8]
- ceramic[555]
- chert[4]
- copper[111]
- copper alloy[83]
- cowrie shell[2]
- crystal (stone)[2]
- egyptian[2]
- egyptian blue[7]
- faience[20]
- frit[13]
- glass[66]
- goat bone[3]
- gypsum[1]
- iron[15]
- limestone[12]
- metal[1]
- mollusk shell[1]
- ostrich egg[1]
- sandstone[1]
- sheep bone[3]
- shell[20]
- steatite[2]
- stone[5]
- actual citation[299]
1 - 30 of 938 Records

1 - 30 of 938 Records