Purchased from Thomas B. Donaldson; subscription of John Wanamaker, 1901
Accession Lot
- Object[497]
- ankle band[2]
- apron[1]
- arrow[28]
- arrows[6]
- axe[13]
- bag[3]
- ball[2]
- bandolier bag[2]
- basket[16]
- basket lid[2]
- belt[6]
- billet[1]
- bird[1]
- blade[1]
- blanket[1]
- blanket strip[1]
- boot[2]
- bottle[6]
- bow[17]
- bow case[3]
- bowl[42]
- bridle[1]
- canteen[10]
- catlinite[1]
- charm[3]
- club[1]
- coat[3]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[1]
- cover[1]
- cradle[1]
- cradle board[5]
- cradle board cover[1]
- cup[2]
- dance shield[1]
- dance stick[1]
- discoidal[1]
- disk[1]
- doll[2]
- doll clothing[1]
- double ball[1]
- dress[3]
- drum[4]
- drum supports[1]
- drumstick[1]
- effigy[1]
- effigy jar[1]
- effigy vessel[18]
- fan[1]
- figurine[25]
- flask[1]
- gaming arrow[4]
- garter[4]
- girdle[2]
- glove[2]
- grave post[1]
- gun case[1]
- hammer[2]
- handle[1]
- hat[1]
- hatchet[2]
- headdress[2]
- jar[30]
- kachina doll[4]
- knife sheath[2]
- lacrosse stick[2]
- ladle[3]
- legging[16]
- medicine bag[2]
- miniature[2]
- moccasin[17]
- mortar[7]
- necklace[5]
- olla[2]
- ornament[3]
- paint bag[2]
- pestle[3]
- pipe[4]
- pipe bag[4]
- pipe bowl[12]
- pipe stem[9]
- pitcher[2]
- plaque[7]
- pouch[10]
- prayer stick[4]
- quiver[3]
- rabbit stick[2]
- rattle[4]
- robe[2]
- sash[4]
- shield cover[2]
- spoon[13]
- stirrup[2]
- strip[2]
- tobacco pouch[3]
- toy[2]
- tray[9]
- trousers[2]
- war shirt[4]
- water bottle[5]
- winnowing tray[3]
- acoma[7]
- acoma pueblo[5]
- alaska[5]
- arizona[77]
- arizona springs[1]
- auaw ruin[1]
- california (state)[9]
- canada[2]
- carter county[1]
- cheyenne (wyoming)[2]
- chiriqui province[1]
- cochiti[4]
- cochiti pueblo[18]
- costa rica[3]
- crow creek reservation[2]
- crow reservation[1]
- dakotas[8]
- first mesa[3]
- fort belknap[2]
- fort berthold[4]
- fort hall reservation[1]
- fort keogh[1]
- fort peck reservation[3]
- fort scott[2]
- fort washakie[2]
- graham agency[1]
- great basin (culture area)[9]
- great lakes[1]
- great plains (plain)[21]
- great plains (uncertain plain)[1]
- hano[5]
- hopi[1]
- humboldt county[4]
- hupa valley[4]
- idaho[7]
- jemez pueblo[12]
- jicarilla reservation[1]
- kansas[2]
- klamath reservation[4]
- laguna[14]
- laguna pueblo[4]
- lake of the woods[1]
- martha's vineyard[1]
- massachusetts[1]
- mescalero, new mexico[5]
- minnesota[1]
- mohave county[1]
- montana[16]
- nambe[1]
- nambe pueblo[7]
- nevada[29]
- new mexico[158]
- new york[4]
- north america[11]
- north dakota[18]
- northeast[4]
- northern new mexico[1]
- oklahoma[18]
- onondago[1]
- oraibi[10]
- oregon[5]
- panama[1]
- pine ridge reservation[6]
- pyramid lake[1]
- quapaw agency[4]
- red cloud[6]
- riverside county[2]
- rosebud[2]
- rosebud reservation[7]
- ross fork[2]
- san carlos (arizona)[2]
- san diego county[1]
- san ildefonso[2]
- san ildefonso pueblo[5]
- san juan[1]
- san juan area[1]
- san juan pueblo[5]
- sandia pueblo[2]
- santa clara pueblo[3]
- santo domingo pueblo[2]
- shanano[7]
- shimopavi[2]
- shipaulovi[1]
- shumopavi[1]
- sia[1]
- sichomovi[2]
- south africa[3]
- south dakota[39]
- southeast united states[5]
- southwest united states[2]
- tesuque pueblo[9]
- uinta agency[5]
- united states of america[105]
- utah[12]
- walpi[13]
- wisconsin[9]
- wyoming[4]
- zia pueblo[7]
- zuni[13]
- zuni pueblo[5]
- historic[3]
- pueblo iii[2]
- acoma[4]
- algonkin[1]
- anasazi[3]
- apache[8]
- assiniboine[2]
- athapaskan[3]
- bannock[6]
- blackfeet[2]
- brule[2]
- cahuilla[2]
- cherokee[5]
- cochise apache[1]
- cochiti[8]
- comanche[4]
- cree[2]
- creek[6]
- crow (culture)[6]
- dakota[1]
- diegueno[1]
- eskimo[4]
- flathead[3]
- gay head[1]
- hidatsa[3]
- hopi[55]
- hopi-tewa[5]
- hupa[5]
- indian[6]
- inuit[1]
- iroquois[4]
- jicarilla[3]
- jicarilla apache[7]
- karok[1]
- keres[13]
- keresan[32]
- kiowa[8]
- klamath[4]
- laguna[10]
- lutuamian[7]
- lutumian[2]
- mandan[5]
- menominee[9]
- mescalero apache[13]
- mission indians[3]
- modoc[7]
- muscogee[6]
- nambe[8]
- native american[1]
- navajo[4]
- northern cheyenne[1]
- oglala[14]
- ojibwa[5]
- onondago[1]
- paiute[23]
- pawnee[2]
- picuris[1]
- piegan[1]
- plains indian[2]
- pueblo[126]
- san carlos apache[3]
- san ildefonso[7]
- san juan[5]
- sandia[2]
- santee[6]
- santo domingo[2]
- shoshone[21]
- shoshonean[2]
- sioux[28]
- southern ute[3]
- taos[1]
- tesuque[10]
- teton[1]
- tewa (culture)[44]
- tiwa[1]
- uncompahgre ute[5]
- ute[7]
- warm springs[1]
- wasco[1]
- white mountain apache[2]
- winnebago[1]
- woodland[1]
- yankton[11]
- yuma[1]
- yurok[1]
- zia[7]
- zulu[3]
- zuni[26]
- mound[1]
- animal[4]
- badger[1]
- bear[1]
- bird[20]
- bird head[2]
- cloud[2]
- cow[1]
- dog[5]
- dog head?[2]
- dog?[2]
- duck[2]
- fish[1]
- floral motif[3]
- flower[4]
- flower blossom[1]
- geometric motif[3]
- goat[1]
- goat?[1]
- hopi maiden[2]
- horse[1]
- horseman[1]
- human[1]
- human figure[1]
- lizard[2]
- man[2]
- owl[4]
- owl?[1]
- pig?[1]
- quadruped[1]
- sky band[1]
- thunderbirds[1]
- animal tail[1]
- bark[1]
- bead[68]
- bone[2]
- brass[5]
- buckskin[60]
- buffalo hide[1]
- buffalo horn[2]
- cane (plant)[1]
- cat fur[2]
- catlinite[18]
- ceramic[2]
- claw[1]
- clay[134]
- cloth[3]
- copper[2]
- cotton[22]
- cotton cord[1]
- deer hoof[1]
- deerskin[2]
- eagle feather[3]
- elk horn[1]
- ermine[1]
- feather[29]
- fiber[29]
- fiber cord[1]
- flannel[2]
- flint[3]
- fur[4]
- glass[37]
- goat horn[2]
- gourd[2]
- gut[1]
- hair[8]
- hide[46]
- hoof[1]
- horn (animal part)[2]
- horsehair[5]
- human hair[1]
- iron[7]
- juncus[1]
- lava stone[1]
- lead[3]
- leather[7]
- metal[24]
- mica[6]
- muskrat skin[1]
- paint[4]
- paper[1]
- parfleche[2]
- pewter[2]
- pigment[49]
- pipe stone[1]
- pitch[1]
- plant fiber[22]
- porcupine quill[2]
- quill[23]
- rabbit brush[3]
- rawhide[12]
- reed (plant)[3]
- sandstone[1]
- scalp[1]
- seed[4]
- sheepskin[2]
- shell[6]
- silk[3]
- silver[1]
- sinew[36]
- skin[14]
- slate[3]
- stone[33]
- string[5]
- sumac[9]
- tin[9]
- tooth[1]
- turkey feather[1]
- turtle shell[1]
- vegetal substance[2]
- wire[1]
- wood[119]
- wool[30]
- wool flannel[1]
- yucca[14]
- acoma polychrome[1]
- basketry[36]
- beaded[14]
- black ware[5]
- blackware[2]
- braided[1]
- carved[6]
- chaco black-on-white[1]
- chipped[1]
- cochiti polychrome[1]
- coiled[13]
- embroidered[1]
- ground[2]
- kayenta black-on-white[2]
- painted[14]
- plain ware[1]
- plaited[7]
- polacca polychrome[3]
- polychrome[15]
- split[1]
- twill plaited[3]
- twined[5]
- wicker[3]
- woven[6]
- zia polychrome[1]
- zuni polychrome[1]
1 - 30 of 497 Records
1 - 30 of 497 Records