The Eckley B. Coxe Jr. Expedition to Mit-Rahineh (Memphis), Egypt, 1915-1920
Accession Lot
- Object[634]
- no[634]
- egyptian[634]
- agate[1]
- amulet[3]
- blade[1]
- block statue[1]
- button[8]
- canopic jar lid[1]
- capital[1]
- cippus[1]
- core[8]
- crystal (stone)[1]
- die[1]
- door jamb[1]
- drill part[1]
- figurine[6]
- figurine fragment[2]
- figurine head[1]
- flake[27]
- flint[121]
- flint fragment[2]
- gameboard[1]
- head rest[1]
- hone[1]
- implement[24]
- inlay[1]
- jar[1]
- jar lid[2]
- knife[13]
- knife fragment[1]
- kohl stick[1]
- lid[1]
- macehead[1]
- model[3]
- net sinker[1]
- object[4]
- offering basin[1]
- offering table[1]
- offering tablet fragment[1]
- ostracon[2]
- pebble[8]
- pedestal[1]
- pendant[12]
- pestle[1]
- plaque[8]
- plaque fragment[2]
- plug[1]
- polishing stone[1]
- pounder[1]
- pumice[1]
- quartz fragment[1]
- reamer[1]
- relief[1]
- rubbing stone[11]
- saucer[1]
- scarab[1]
- scarab fragment[1]
- schist fragment[1]
- scraper[34]
- sculptor's model[1]
- shawabti[1]
- shawabti fragment[1]
- shrine[1]
- sickle[48]
- sickle blade[4]
- sickle fragment[37]
- sinker[3]
- slab[1]
- slab fragment[8]
- spearhead[1]
- spindle whorl[4]
- stamp seal[1]
- stand[1]
- statue[2]
- statue fragment[1]
- statuette[113]
- statuette fragment[19]
- statuette head[4]
- stela[12]
- stela fragment[1]
- stone[11]
- stone fragment[9]
- tablet[2]
- trial piece[1]
- vase[1]
- votive[2]
- votive object[1]
- weight[11]
- whetstone[2]
- egypt[634]
- mit-rahineh[634]
- ptolemaic[1]
- 130[1]
- 140[1]
- 19w[4]
- 200[1]
- 200.10[2]
- 200.1[3]
- 200.11 middle debris over room 7[1]
- 200.14[1]
- 200.15[1]
- 200.16[4]
- 200.16 mid x[1]
- 200.17[1]
- 200.18[1]
- 200.20[5]
- 200.3[1]
- 310[14]
- 310w[15]
- 320[2]
- 320w[25]
- 330[4]
- 330w[16]
- 340[4]
- 340w[8]
- 350[14]
- 350w[2]
- 360[26]
- 360-380[3]
- 360w[4]
- 370[24]
- 380[12]
- 380w[2]
- 410[4]
- 420[5]
- 430[4]
- 440[9]
- 450[7]
- 460[16]
- 503[2]
- 504[4]
- 509[2]
- 514[2]
- 515[3]
- 516[2]
- 543[6]
- 544[2]
- 545[3]
- 546[3]
- 547[8]
- 548[12]
- 549[3]
- 550[3]
- 551[4]
- 552[3]
- 558[2]
- 560[3]
- 564[4]
- 565, rm187[3]
- 570[2]
- 584[3]
- 599[2]
- central area, s of great door[2]
- central fort[19]
- debris in upperr stratum se of house[2]
- debris over w door of court 19[2]
- debris se of s portal[2]
- debris se s portal[2]
- debris upperr walls se of house[2]
- middle stratum type[2]
- plot 1[5]
- plot 2[4]
- plot 3[4]
- plot 4[2]
- rm1-31[2]
- rm100[34]
- rm100e[7]
- rm101[17]
- rm101n[2]
- rm104[2]
- rm107[2]
- rm110[2]
- rm120[3]
- rm129[2]
- rm13-16[2]
- rm130[14]
- rm140[6]
- rm150[2]
- rm152[3]
- rm160[4]
- rm170[2]
- rm27[2]
- rm32[7]
- rm35[2]
- rm7[3]
- rooms s of great wall[2]
- sebbakh[2]
- south portal[12]
- strip100e[4]
- surface debris ne of main dig[3]
- upper walls se of house[2]
- w door of 19[2]
- altar[1]
- animal[3]
- ape[5]
- ape?[1]
- apis[1]
- arm[1]
- atef crown[1]
- bastet[1]
- bird[1]
- boy[2]
- bull[2]
- captive[1]
- cat[1]
- cat?[1]
- couch[1]
- crown[2]
- duck head[1]
- falcon[2]
- female head[1]
- figure[1]
- fish[1]
- fish?[1]
- foot[1]
- goose[1]
- grid[1]
- hand[1]
- harpocrates[1]
- hathor[1]
- hawk[2]
- head[3]
- head rest[1]
- helmet[1]
- horus[3]
- house[1]
- human[8]
- human figure[1]
- human foot[1]
- human male[1]
- inscription[2]
- isis[2]
- leg[1]
- maat[1]
- male head[2]
- man[6]
- man?[1]
- monkey[4]
- mut[1]
- nude woman[2]
- osiris?[1]
- paddle?[1]
- phallic figure[15]
- ptah[10]
- ramesses ii[1]
- renenutet?[1]
- scarab[1]
- sculptor's model[1]
- seated figure[8]
- seated man[2]
- seated woman[1]
- sekhmet[1]
- shield[1]
- shrine[2]
- snake[1]
- snake goddess[1]
- soldier[1]
- sphinx[4]
- squatting figure[1]
- throne[1]
- toe[1]
- torso[2]
- wedjat eye[2]
- woman[6]
- youth[3]
- hieratic[1]
- hieroglyphic[15]
- actual citation[24]
1 - 30 of 634 Records

1 - 30 of 634 Records