The Eckley B. Coxe Jr. Expedition to Dendereh, Egypt; Clarence Stanley Fisher, 1915-1923
Accession Lot
- Object[265]
- yes[265]
- no[265]
- egyptian[265]
- amphora[1]
- amulet[1]
- architecture[11]
- ball[1]
- bottle[1]
- bread mold[1]
- canopic jar[2]
- cornice[1]
- cup fragment[1]
- cylinder seal[1]
- door frame[25]
- dummy canopic jar[4]
- flask[2]
- fragment[14]
- frieze[1]
- funerary stela[3]
- hair[1]
- hes vase[1]
- human remains[1]
- inlay[1]
- jar[18]
- kohl pot[6]
- lintel[2]
- lintel fragment[2]
- necklace[2]
- offering basin[1]
- offering stela[1]
- offering tray[4]
- ostracon[1]
- pendant[2]
- plant material[3]
- pot[5]
- pottery[1]
- prism[39]
- relief[3]
- relief fragment[2]
- sample[3]
- spout[1]
- spouted jar[1]
- statuary[2]
- stela[78]
- stela fragment[3]
- vase[13]
- 13:042/x[1]
- 13:098 c/11[1]
- 13:198e, 13:291f[1]
- 13:291c[1]
- 13:578c[2]
- 13:583 a/x1[1]
- 13:583a/x1[1]
- 15:031i[1]
- 15:137[21]
- 15:214 h/1 west ch.[1]
- 15:214d[1]
- 15:331 a/x2[1]
- 23:692c/x9[1]
- 5:621/ x 6 offering niche west of a[1]
- 7:733 c / x 90 s. ch.[1]
- 7:733 c / x 91 s. ch.[1]
- 7:733 c / x 92 s. ch.[1]
- 7:733 c / x 93 s. ch.[1]
- 7:733c x99[1]
- 7:950.1[1]
- 7:953 a/13[1]
- 8:112e[1]
- 8:421 c/xi[1]
- demotic[1]
- hieratic[1]
- hieroglyphic[108]
- alabaster[3]
- amethyst[1]
- anhydrite[1]
- carnelian[1]
- ceramic[48]
- clay[43]
- faience[2]
- hair[1]
- ivory[1]
- limestone[145]
- linen[1]
- marble (stone)[2]
- mud[39]
- organic material[7]
- paint[2]
- pigment[12]
- plant[3]
- plant material[1]
- sand[1]
- serpentine[1]
- silver[2]
- soil[1]
- straw[1]
- stucco[2]
- terracotta[2]
- travertine[1]
- wood[2]
- actual citation[12]

1 - 30 of 265 Records