The Eckley B. Coxe Jr. Expedition to Dendereh, Egypt; Clarence Stanley Fisher, 1915-1923
Accession Lot
- Object[714]
- no[714]
- no[714]
- egyptian[714]
- amulet[8]
- axe head[1]
- ball[1]
- base[1]
- base sherd[1]
- bead[11]
- bead netting[1]
- bead string[9]
- beaker[1]
- body sherd[3]
- borer[1]
- borer fragment[1]
- bottle[7]
- bowl[22]
- bowl fragment[1]
- bracelet[2]
- bread mold[6]
- brick[1]
- canopic jar[2]
- core[1]
- cup[7]
- disc[1]
- door frame[1]
- drill part[1]
- earring[1]
- fragment[2]
- funerary stela[6]
- funnel[1]
- game piece[1]
- handle[1]
- head rest[2]
- human skull[6]
- implement[55]
- inlay[16]
- jar[162]
- jar handle[1]
- jar lid[1]
- knife[2]
- knife blade[1]
- kohl pot[160]
- kohl pot lid[11]
- kohl pot rim[4]
- kohl stick[1]
- lid[20]
- macehead[1]
- model[22]
- mold[1]
- mollusk shell[1]
- mummy bead[1]
- neck sherd[1]
- necklace[1]
- offering dish[1]
- offering table[1]
- offering tray[1]
- palette[6]
- plate[1]
- pot[45]
- pot cover[1]
- pottery[5]
- prism[1]
- relief[1]
- rim sherd[7]
- ring[3]
- rubbing stone[7]
- sample[1]
- scraper[1]
- sealing[2]
- sherd[2]
- skeletal remain[1]
- spindle whorl[1]
- spouted jar[2]
- staff[1]
- stand[2]
- statuary[5]
- statue fragment[1]
- stela[7]
- stela fragment[1]
- stopper[3]
- strainer[1]
- vase[27]
- vessel[5]
- weight[1]
- dendereh[714]
- egypt[714]
- upper egypt[5]
- 052b[1]
- 13-194[1]
- 13-291c[2]
- 13:164e/1[2]
- 13:194/ x7[2]
- 13:271c[1]
- 13:291c[1]
- 13:374s[1]
- 13:590x[1]
- 13:594d/x46[1]
- 15-031d[1]
- 15:031i[3]
- 15:214d[4]
- 15:322a[1]
- 15:337d[1]
- 15:414e/x11[1]
- 15:612b[1]
- 15:631d/x1[1]
- 15:827 d/x 109[1]
- 23-173c[1]
- 23-182c[1]
- 23-282d[2]
- 23:183a[1]
- 23:384c[1]
- 23:674 a/x7[1]
- 23:681b[1]
- 23:681c[2]
- 23:681f[3]
- 25: 316 b x 10 (east of shaft)[1]
- 5-653b[1]
- 5:214 c/x1[1]
- 5:632a[1]
- 5:732 a / x 57[1]
- 7:840.2b/4[1]
- 8-112d1[1]
- 8-311c[1]
- 8-311d[1]
- 8:023b[1]
- 8:112e[1]
- 8:312 b /x 3[1]
- 8:725[1]
- antef tomb[1]
- house grave 4/28 n 15[1]
- no. 10[1]
- surface sand west of 13:684e/x3[5]
- tomb of idu i[1]
- animal[1]
- baboon[1]
- crocodile[1]
- eye[2]
- horus[1]
- human[2]
- ibis[1]
- inscription[1]
- leg[2]
- nefer[1]
- papyrus column[1]
- prism[1]
- white crown[2]
- woman[1]
- demotic[1]
- hieratic[4]
- hieroglyphic[9]
- agate[3]
- alabaster[113]
- anhydrite[7]
- bronze[2]
- carnelian[10]
- ceramic[356]
- clay[9]
- copper[1]
- diorite[2]
- faience[15]
- flint[62]
- glass[2]
- glaze[1]
- gold[1]
- human bone[6]
- human remains[1]
- ink[1]
- ivory[9]
- jasper[3]
- lead[1]
- limestone[30]
- marble (stone)[38]
- mollusk shell[1]
- mud[3]
- paint[4]
- papyrus[1]
- pigment[4]
- sandstone[2]
- serpentine[2]
- shell[1]
- silver[1]
- slate[9]
- soil sample[1]
- steatite[1]
- stone[11]
- stucco[2]
- terracotta[3]
- travertine[11]
- wax[2]
- wood[5]
- brown ware[1]
- glazed[1]
- incised[24]
- stamped[1]
1 - 30 of 714 Records
1 - 30 of 714 Records