Advanced Search Collections
- Object[1,437]
- no[1,437]
- oceanian[1,437]
- adze[2]
- adze blade[146]
- arm band[11]
- arm ornament[1]
- arm ring[7]
- arm ring blank[1]
- arm ring fragment[15]
- arrow[625]
- arrow foreshaft[1]
- arrow point[1]
- arrow shaft[8]
- arrowhead[15]
- axe[2]
- bag[2]
- basket[1]
- baton[1]
- belt[1]
- betel mortar[1]
- betel pestle[1]
- bird net[1]
- bivalve shell[1]
- blade[1]
- body armor[1]
- bone[1]
- bone fragment[29]
- bow[34]
- bow drill[1]
- bow tip casing[1]
- bowl[1]
- bowl fragment[1]
- bracelet[1]
- breast ornament[4]
- canoe[4]
- canoe bow ornament[5]
- canoe ornament[1]
- canoe paddle[16]
- canoe stern piece[1]
- carrying basket[1]
- carving[3]
- casket[2]
- ceremonial club[3]
- chip[3]
- club[42]
- coconut grater blade[3]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[6]
- commemorative house post[2]
- container[3]
- crab claw[2]
- curio[17]
- currency[7]
- dance club[10]
- dance paddle[2]
- diorama piece[14]
- dog tooth[3]
- ear ornament[2]
- feast bowl[2]
- figure[11]
- fish net[2]
- fishhook[17]
- fishing float[10]
- fishing line[2]
- fishing visor[2]
- flake[52]
- flute[2]
- food bowl[4]
- fragment[3]
- gable ornament[2]
- hammer[2]
- house post[6]
- house post part[6]
- initiation board[3]
- inlay material[7]
- javelin head[2]
- lime container[2]
- lime spatula[3]
- loincloth[2]
- loom[2]
- mat[4]
- model[3]
- necklace[2]
- nose ornament[4]
- offering post part[2]
- paddle[9]
- panpipes[3]
- pebble[2]
- pendant[2]
- pestle[3]
- pigment[3]
- pigment container[3]
- pot[11]
- ritual bowl[27]
- sample[2]
- scraper[45]
- sherd[23]
- shield[4]
- spear[53]
- spoon[2]
- stick[3]
- tool[2]
- wand[2]
- bougainville[160]
- buka island[154]
- choiseul[5]
- feru i[41]
- feru ii[24]
- florida, solomon islands[1]
- guadalcanal[2]
- gupuna[4]
- honiara[4]
- maisua[15]
- malaita[21]
- maworo[20]
- mono (island)[1]
- natagera[8]
- new britain[1]
- new guinea[1]
- new ireland[7]
- northern solomon islands[114]
- nukumanu[3]
- pacific ocean[1]
- penetare[4]
- rate[2]
- rate i[19]
- rubiana[2]
- rubiana lagoon[1]
- san cristobal[15]
- santa ana, solomon islands[239]
- santa catalina[28]
- santa cruz islands[20]
- sikaiana[8]
- solomon islands[1,436]
- southeastern bougainville[28]
- southeastern solomon islands[120]
- southern bougainville[5]
- southern solomon islands[1]
- southwestern bougainville[10]
- star harbor[13]
- ysabel[1]
- 20th century[19]
- nasioi[35]
- numa-numa[22]
- solomon islander[5]
- telei[14]
- bamboo[69]
- barb[2]
- bark[3]
- bone[139]
- cane (plant)[524]
- charcoal[1]
- claw[1]
- clay[32]
- coconut shell[5]
- cone shell[1]
- conus shell[4]
- coral[2]
- cotton[1]
- crab claw[2]
- dog teeth[1]
- dog tooth[3]
- dye[3]
- feather[6]
- fiber[15]
- fish bone[3]
- fish vertebrae[1]
- flint[34]
- fur[1]
- glass[16]
- gourd[3]
- gum[29]
- leaf[2]
- lime[2]
- marine shell[4]
- metal[3]
- nautilus shell[2]
- palm leaf[7]
- palm leaf midrib[1]
- palm wood[1]
- pandanus[3]
- parinarium gum[1]
- parinarium nut paste[1]
- pearl[1]
- pearl shell[3]
- peel[618]
- pig[1]
- pigment[261]
- plant fiber[104]
- plant material[27]
- pods[1]
- poison[3]
- red earth[1]
- reed (plant)[40]
- resin (material)[1]
- rope[2]
- seed[3]
- shell[131]
- sinew[4]
- skin[1]
- spider web[1]
- splinter[2]
- stingray spine[1]
- stone[233]
- string[2]
- thorn[3]
- tooth[4]
- tridacna shell[5]
- trochus shell[14]
- turtle shell[12]
- tusk[1]
- vine[1]
- whale bone[1]
- wood[913]
- yarn[2]
- andela tanataru[4]
- frank haikiu[3]
- iroro[15]
- maemae[2]
- actual citation[147]
- type citation[3]
1 - 30 of 1,437 Records

1 - 30 of 1,437 Records