

From: Greece | Crete | Gournia

Curatorial Section: Mediterranean

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Object Number MS4226
Current Location Collections Storage
Culture Minoan
Provenience Greece | Crete | Gournia
Period Early Minoan IIA
Section Mediterranean
Materials Ceramic

Pyxis with stemmed foot and cylindrical neck; lug-handles not extant but probably once present. Fine, gray (N5/ to N6/) clay, fired with the core the same color. Wiped with water and burnished before the incision ws applied. Incised decoration on shoulder, consisting of six horizontal lines, a herringbone, for horizontal lines, and another herringbone. There were surely other horizontal lines below this, but the decoration is not preserved. Restored from fragments; some sherds missing. Comments: EM IIA. Fine Gray Ware. Compare Boyd 1904-1905 b: 180, fig. GI d + Hawes et al. 1908: 56, fig. 37, no. 9 (Gournia). Parallels also exist from the Cyclades, both in stone and in clay (Thimme 1977: nos. 352, 385, and 397, with other parallels). The style is discussed by Betancourt 1985: 40. For the history and chronology of the early settlement at Gournia see Zois 1968a: 50-54; Andreou 1978: 57-59; Soles 1979a: 150-151. Bibliography: Silverman 1978 a: 17, no. 4, and pl. 1c.

Outside Diameter 11.5 cm
Credit Line Gift of the Candia Museum (Herakleion Archaeological Museum); H. B. Hawes, 1904

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