From: Greece | Crete | Gournia
Curatorial Section: Mediterranean
Object Number | MS4640 |
Current Location | Collections Storage |
Culture | Minoan |
Provenience | Greece | Crete | Gournia |
Locus | B11 |
Period | Late Minoan IA | Late Minoan III |
Section | Mediterranean |
Materials | Ceramic |
Description | Ostrich-egg-shaped rhyton with flaring mouth; ridge at juncture of neck and shoulder; ovoid body; no handles. Fine, pink (7.5 YR 8/4) to light brownish gray (2.5 YR 5/8) to dark red (10R 3/6) paint. Wiped with water and burnished. Mouth and neck painted; friezes of tortoise-shell ripple on shoulder, center of body, (and lower body?), bounded by bands; lower tip painted. Upper part preserved, restored from fragments; some sherds missing and some non-joining sherds; discolored from burning. Burned. For tortoise-shell ripple on a globular ryhton see Hawes et al. 1908: pl. 7, no. 65 (Gournia); the shape is more like pl. 7, nos. 39-40. For Ripple Ware in general see Vol. I, no. 24. |
Height | 12 cm |
Credit Line | Gift of the Candia Museum (Herakleion Archaeological Museum); H. B. Hawes, 1904 |
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