Object Number | B14467 |
Current Location | Collections Storage |
Provenience | Iraq |
Period | Ur I |
Section | Near Eastern |
Materials | Hematite |
Description | PBS XIV: The worshiping of Dagan. The god steps forth holding a large caduceus, a central club between two curved blades over a long notched handle reaching to the ground. He has a turban, a beard, a short embroidered tunic. A worshiper with beard, tunic, but a conical hat of Syro-Hittite style, adores with one hand up. The name of the god is written on both sides of the caduceus, his standard: “Da-gan” Behind him there are a crescent, a spear of Marduk, a divine attendant with plaited robe and clasped hands, a scorpion of Ishhara and a star. Cyl. seal. Hematite, 18 x 8 mm. MS Coll. |
Credit Line | Bequest of Maxwell Sommerville, 1904 |
Other Number | PBS XIV: 447 - Other Number | 1405 - Sommerville Gem Number | 29-128-1405 - Old Museum Number | P269433 - CDLI Number |
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