Pritchard, James B. Winery, Defenses, and Soundings at Gibeon. The University of Pennsylvania Museum Monograph, 1964.
- Object[200]
- near eastern[200]
- 3D Model[1]
- antoninianus[1]
- arrowhead[3]
- awl[1]
- ball[1]
- blade[2]
- body sherd[3]
- bowl[6]
- bowl fragment[1]
- bronze fragment[1]
- clamp[1]
- coin[62]
- cooking pot[3]
- cosmetic palette[1]
- cosmetic spatula[4]
- cup[1]
- cup fragment[1]
- dagger[1]
- flask fragment[1]
- funnel[1]
- funnel fragment[1]
- handle sherd[1]
- jar[1]
- jar handle[7]
- jar stopper[1]
- jug[3]
- jug fragment[1]
- jug fragments[1]
- juglet[8]
- lamp[18]
- lamp fragment[2]
- needle[1]
- object[1]
- pilgrim flask[2]
- pitcher[1]
- platter[1]
- pot stand[1]
- pyxis[1]
- rim sherd[8]
- scraper[2]
- seal impression[1]
- sherd[43]
- spatula[4]
- stamp impression[6]
- stamp seal[1]
- stopper[1]
- storage jar[4]
- tool[1]
- tweezers[1]
- vial[1]
- bronze age[39]
- hellenistic[1]
- hellenistic period[1]
- iron age[2]
- late roman period[1]
- mameluke[1]
- ottoman[1]
- ptolemaic[1]
- ptolemaic period[1]
- roman[1]
- roman period[1]
- umayyad[1]
- ummayad[1]
- byzantine[1]
- egyptian[1]
- hellenistic[3]
- mameluke[2]
- metal[1]
- ottoman[1]
- phoenician[1]
- ptolemaic[2]
- roman[3]
- umayyad[1]
- anchor[19]
- anchor?[1]
- animal?[1]
- athena[1]
- barley[11]
- club[1]
- constans ii[1]
- constantine ii?[1]
- constantius iii?[1]
- cornucopia[2]
- cross[2]
- diadem[2]
- eagle[4]
- emperor[2]
- fruit[2]
- galley[1]
- heraclius[1]
- laurel wreath[2]
- lily[1]
- luna lucifer[1]
- melkarth[1]
- oar[1]
- olive wreath[2]
- palm branch[4]
- palm tree[2]
- pomegranate[1]
- poppy[2]
- potter's mark[2]
- ptolemy i[1]
- remus[1]
- roma[1]
- romulus[1]
- shield[1]
- simpulum?[1]
- spear[1]
- star[1]
- sun wheel[16]
- umbrella[9]
- vessel[1]
- war ship[1]
- wolf[1]
- wreath[3]
- zeus[1]
- actual citation[200]
1 - 30 of 200 Records

1 - 30 of 200 Records