American Indian Life: 1776-1976. Philadelphia: The University Museum, 1976.
- Object[395]
- american[393]
- near eastern[2]
- amulet[1]
- animal figurine[1]
- anvil[1]
- arm band[2]
- awl[4]
- baby carrier[1]
- bag[3]
- ball[1]
- basket[4]
- basket lid[1]
- baton[2]
- belt fragment[1]
- bison vertebra[1]
- bit[1]
- blanket[1]
- book[1]
- bow[1]
- bowl[5]
- box[1]
- box lid[1]
- bread[1]
- breast ornament[1]
- breast plate[1]
- bridle[1]
- bridle fragment[4]
- buffalo robe[1]
- button blanket[1]
- cactus pickers[1]
- cape (clothing)[1]
- carrying case[1]
- carving[3]
- case[1]
- ceremonial cane[1]
- ceremonial shield[1]
- charm[4]
- chilkat robe[1]
- cinch[1]
- clay[1]
- club[2]
- copper[1]
- cradle board[3]
- cradle model[3]
- dagger[2]
- dart[4]
- doll[2]
- drum[4]
- fetish[25]
- fiddle[2]
- figurine[2]
- finger mask[2]
- fire hand[2]
- game piece[7]
- hair ornament[2]
- hair whorl form[2]
- house screen[11]
- kachina doll[17]
- knife[3]
- knife sheath[2]
- ladle[2]
- lance cover[2]
- mask[35]
- metate[2]
- moccasin[6]
- necklace[10]
- paint pot[2]
- pipe[2]
- pipe bag[6]
- pipe bowl[6]
- pipe stem[3]
- pitcher[2]
- planting stick[2]
- plaque[4]
- prayer stick[8]
- quirt[6]
- rabbit stick[2]
- rattle[16]
- roach[2]
- robe[2]
- saddle[2]
- saddle blanket[3]
- saddlebag[4]
- sash[2]
- scraper[3]
- shield[3]
- spindle[3]
- spindle whorl[3]
- spoon[6]
- stick dice[3]
- stirrup[2]
- tablet[2]
- tipi model[2]
- totem pole model[2]
- tray[6]
- war club[3]
- war shirt[2]
- weaving baton[4]
- weaving comb[2]
- wedding outfit[2]
- whip[2]
- whistle[2]
- alaska[38]
- allegheny reservation[1]
- angoon[12]
- apache[1]
- arizona[70]
- bainbridge (pennsylvania)[1]
- beef creek[1]
- beth shemesh[2]
- blackfeet reservation[1]
- british columbia[31]
- canada[41]
- cattaraugus reservation[2]
- cheyenne river reservation[1]
- chichagof island[1]
- cochiti pueblo[1]
- comor site[1]
- cortland county[1]
- dakotas[2]
- darlington agency[2]
- delaware[2]
- eastern canada[2]
- fairfax[1]
- first mesa[10]
- florida[1]
- fort apache[3]
- fort peck reservation[5]
- fort wrangell[1]
- grand river[6]
- grand river reservation[3]
- great plains (plain)[12]
- greater southwest[1]
- hano[6]
- hellespont river[1]
- hoonah[1]
- hot springs (arizona)[1]
- isleta pueblo[3]
- israel[2]
- jemez pueblo[1]
- kansas[1]
- kingcome[2]
- klukwan[1]
- koo-uy-kah[1]
- laguna pueblo[5]
- lake traverse[1]
- lancaster county (pennsylvania)[1]
- lower cayuga long house[1]
- michigan[1]
- middle mesa[3]
- milford (pennsylvania)[1]
- minnesota[1]
- mishongnovi[4]
- missouri river[1]
- montana[26]
- naas river region[1]
- nass river[2]
- near buf creek[1]
- near canadian river[3]
- near cheyenne river[1]
- near medicine bluff creek[1]
- near rio grande[1]
- nebraska[2]
- new mexico[85]
- new york[4]
- north america[17]
- north canadian river[1]
- north dakota[2]
- northeast arizona[1]
- northwest michigan[1]
- northwestern united states[1]
- oklahoma[11]
- omaha[1]
- ontario[9]
- oraibi[8]
- pennsylvania[4]
- peru[1]
- pike county (pennsylvania)[1]
- pine ridge reservation[1]
- plains (culture area)[4]
- polacca[5]
- poplar river[1]
- porcupine creek[1]
- queen charlotte islands[7]
- rio grande[2]
- san juan pueblo[4]
- santa clara pueblo[2]
- second mesa[3]
- sioux river[5]
- sitka[3]
- six nations reservation[5]
- south dakota[28]
- third mesa[9]
- united states of america[120]
- upper rio grande river[3]
- vancouver island[10]
- walpi[4]
- washington (u. s. state)[3]
- white river[4]
- wind river reservation[3]
- wyoming[4]
- zuni pueblo[5]
- modern[1]
- prehistoric[1]
- americana[1]
- apache[17]
- arapaho[6]
- bella bella[1]
- blackfeet[6]
- cayuga[2]
- cheyenne[1]
- cheyenne (culture)[5]
- chilkat[3]
- cochiti[1]
- comanche[2]
- cree[1]
- crow (culture)[18]
- dakota[3]
- delaware culture[3]
- eastern woodlands[2]
- haida[8]
- hidatsa[2]
- hopi[47]
- hopi-tewa[4]
- indian[3]
- iroquois[15]
- isleta[3]
- keres[1]
- keresan[1]
- kiowa[1]
- kwagulth[1]
- kwakiutl[10]
- laguna[5]
- lenape[3]
- makah[3]
- mandan[1]
- mohave apache[1]
- moki[1]
- navajo[21]
- nootka[2]
- nuu-chah-nulth[3]
- oglala[7]
- ojibwa[1]
- omaha (culture)[1]
- ottawa[1]
- piegan[3]
- piegan blackfeet[1]
- plains indian[4]
- protohistoric hopi[1]
- pueblo[67]
- san juan[4]
- santo domingo pueblo[1]
- seneca[1]
- shoshone[1]
- sioux[52]
- southern cheyenne[2]
- susquehannock[1]
- teton[1]
- tewa (culture)[5]
- tlingit[41]
- tsimshian[3]
- white mountain apache[3]
- yankton[5]
- zuni[50]
- animal[12]
- animals[1]
- bean sprout[1]
- bear[3]
- bird[3]
- bird track[1]
- bow[2]
- canoe[1]
- cloud[2]
- clown[2]
- corn[1]
- corn smut[1]
- crane[1]
- crow[1]
- dance[2]
- dance stick[1]
- dog[1]
- dog head?[1]
- eagle[1]
- ferret[1]
- floral motif[2]
- flower blossom[3]
- four sacred directions[1]
- fox?[1]
- frog[1]
- hunting god[2]
- kachina[1]
- katsina[2]
- lizard[2]
- loon[1]
- misinghaku'kun[1]
- misinghali'kun[1]
- mudhead[1]
- ogre[2]
- owl[1]
- rainbow[1]
- rattle[1]
- raven[1]
- ritual object[1]
- saw[1]
- squash blossom[1]
- star[1]
- summer w. matteson[1]
- tadpole[1]
- thunderbird[1]
- turtle[1]
- weasel[1]
- whale[1]
- wolf[2]
- wolf?[1]
- zuni warrior[1]
- abalone[5]
- abalone shell[1]
- analine dye[1]
- animal hair[1]
- bark[5]
- bead[25]
- beads[1]
- bear claw[1]
- bear grass[1]
- bear tooth[1]
- birchbark[1]
- bison hide[1]
- bison horn[1]
- bison vertebra[2]
- bone[13]
- brass[11]
- buckskin[37]
- buffalo bone[1]
- buffalo hide[2]
- buffalo horn[1]
- cane (plant)[1]
- cardboard[1]
- catlinite[10]
- cedar[7]
- cedar bark[2]
- cedar wood[1]
- ceramic[1]
- chalk[1]
- claw[3]
- clay[18]
- cloth[6]
- cochineal dye[1]
- commercial wool[1]
- copper[5]
- coral[4]
- corn cob[2]
- corn husk[11]
- corncob[4]
- cotton[14]
- cotton cloth[2]
- cotton string[2]
- cottonwood (tree)[3]
- cowhide[2]
- crayon[1]
- deer bone[1]
- deer hide[3]
- deer horn[1]
- deerskin[2]
- dog hair[1]
- dye[1]
- eagle claw[1]
- eagle feather[1]
- eagle wing[1]
- elk horn[1]
- ermine[1]
- ermine fur[1]
- feather[47]
- fiber[26]
- fur[11]
- german silver[2]
- glass[33]
- gourd[3]
- graphite[1]
- greasewood shrub[1]
- hair[22]
- hide[29]
- horn (animal part)[4]
- horsehair[19]
- iron[9]
- lead[2]
- leather[17]
- metal[39]
- mollusk shell[2]
- mountain goat horn[2]
- paint[17]
- paper[2]
- parfleche[3]
- pigment[108]
- plant fiber[17]
- quill[26]
- rawhide[25]
- reed (plant)[2]
- seed[2]
- sheep horn[2]
- shell[28]
- silver[5]
- sinew[15]
- skin[15]
- spar[3]
- stone[38]
- string[12]
- stroud[2]
- tin[17]
- turquoise[13]
- wood[161]
- wool[14]
- wool flannel[2]
- wool yarn[2]
- yarn[3]
- yucca[5]
- actual citation[395]
241 - 270 of 395 Records

241 - 270 of 395 Records