Pritchard, James B. Tell es-Sa'idiyeh: Excavations on the Tell, 1964-1966. University Museum Monograph 60. The University Museum, 1985.
- Object[637]
- near eastern[637]
- adze[1]
- animal horn[1]
- anklet[1]
- arrowhead[8]
- base[8]
- bead[7]
- beads[1]
- body sherd[7]
- bottle[3]
- bowl[128]
- bracelet[1]
- cast[1]
- chisel[1]
- cockle shell[4]
- cooking pot[78]
- cosmetic palette[3]
- cowrie shell[1]
- cup[2]
- cylinder seal[1]
- cylinder seal impression[1]
- decanter[10]
- dipper juglet[1]
- disk[3]
- fibula (pin)[8]
- figurine[3]
- flask[1]
- funerary jar[1]
- game piece[7]
- handle[1]
- implement[1]
- impression[1]
- instrument[1]
- jar[13]
- jar stopper[3]
- jewelry[1]
- jug[43]
- juglet[40]
- kernos ring fragment[1]
- kettle[2]
- knife[3]
- krater[62]
- lamp[18]
- loom weight[14]
- mold[2]
- mortar[2]
- nail[2]
- needle[3]
- ostracon[1]
- personal adornment[2]
- pestle[1]
- pilgrim flask[7]
- pin[1]
- platter[1]
- plow point[2]
- point[4]
- rim sherd[6]
- ring[5]
- ring base[4]
- rod[1]
- rubbing stone[1]
- sealing[3]
- sherd[4]
- sherds[1]
- sickle[2]
- spatula[3]
- spear point[3]
- spearhead[1]
- spearpoint[1]
- spike[2]
- spindle whorl[8]
- spout[1]
- storage jar[71]
- tripod[1]
- tripod bowl[5]
- tripod cup[5]
- tube[1]
- vessel[9]
- vessel handle[2]
- wall tile[4]
- whelk shell[1]
- whetstone[1]
- gibeon[1]
- israel[1]
- jordan[635]
- tall as-sa'idiyya[636]
- hellenistic period[24]
- iron age iic[1]
- persian period[32]
- roman period[33]
- sa'idiyya i[33]
- sa'idiyya ii[23]
- sa'idiyya iii[33]
- sa'idiyya iv[85]
- sa'idiyya v[191]
- sa'idiyya vi[118]
- sa'idiyya vii[147]
- undetermined[6]
- hellenistic[1]
- animal head[1]
- human figure[1]
- inscription[1]
- woman[1]
- aramaic[1]
- alabaster[2]
- amber[2]
- animal horn[1]
- basalt[5]
- bone[6]
- bronze[18]
- calcite[1]
- carnelian[3]
- ceramic[523]
- clay[17]
- cockle shell[4]
- cowrie shell[1]
- frit[5]
- glass[2]
- iron[35]
- limestone[2]
- plaster[1]
- pumice[1]
- silver[1]
- stone[14]
- terracotta[5]
- whelk shell[1]
- wood[1]
- actual citation[631]
1 - 30 of 637 Records

1 - 30 of 637 Records