Tokens to Tablets: Glimpses into 6000 Years of the History of the Ancient Near East
Exhibition (14 Nov 1987 - Aug 2006)
- Object[35]
- near eastern[35]
- billa ia[1]
- billa iii[2]
- billa iv[1]
- early dynastic[1]
- gawra sub xi[1]
- gawra x[2]
- gawra xii[3]
- gawra xviii[2]
- halaf period[4]
- hurrian[2]
- jemdet nasr[2]
- pre-flood[4]
- ubaid period[2]
- hurrian[1]
- 9 'o' [9 j][1]
- area a[1]
- area a b[1]
- area a, level d[1]
- e 24, level iii[1]
- e 24, level iv[1]
- g-50, stratum ii temple furnishings[1]
- level 10, trial trench[1]
- level 3[1]
- level i, d e 38, north half, -4.8 to -5.2[1]
- level sub xi[1]
- level x[1]
- level xii[1]
- level xii-[2]
- level xviii[1]
- northeast base[1]
- pfg/z[1]
- pft, pfg/ss[1]
- preflood and low lying strata.[1]
- room h-7; stratum ii temple furnishing[1]
- tepe gawra, 4 j, 1:90, loc. 7-59[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 m [10 m] locus 157 pottery deposit[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 m, burial g 36 - 62[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 q [8 n][1]
- tepe gawra, 6 g, child burial[1]
- tomb 36[1]
- tomb 61[1]
- w6[1]
- lion[1]

1 - 30 of 35 Records