Tokens to Tablets: Glimpses into 6000 Years of the History of the Ancient Near East
Exhibition (14 Nov 1987 - Aug 2006)
- Object[225]
- no[225]
- babylonian[28]
- near eastern[197]
- awl[8]
- ball[9]
- ballista[1]
- bead[1]
- biconical token[1]
- bit[1]
- blade[15]
- bowl[9]
- brick[1]
- cast[1]
- celt[3]
- chisel[3]
- chopper[1]
- cooking pot[1]
- cosmetic container[2]
- cup[7]
- cylinder seal[12]
- cylinder seal impression[1]
- dagger[1]
- door socket[3]
- figurine[3]
- fishhook[1]
- flake[3]
- footed bowl[2]
- footed cup[1]
- foundation figure[1]
- game piece[5]
- gouge[1]
- handle[2]
- harness[1]
- horse gear[2]
- human figurine[7]
- human figurine fragment[1]
- inlay[1]
- inscription[1]
- istikan[1]
- jar[11]
- lithic[1]
- macehead[1]
- needle[1]
- object[8]
- omphalos bowl[1]
- pike[1]
- pin head[2]
- pithos[1]
- plaque[1]
- plow[1]
- pot[13]
- quiver[1]
- rim sherd[2]
- scraper[4]
- scraper fragment[1]
- sealing[5]
- sherd[3]
- spindle whorl[4]
- spouted jar[2]
- spouted pot[1]
- stamp seal[12]
- statuette[2]
- tablet[20]
- tablet envelope[1]
- tablet fragment[1]
- token[18]
- torque[1]
- urn[1]
- vessel[2]
- vessel stand[1]
- wall cone[2]
- wand[1]
- weight[1]
- wine cup[1]
- agrab (iran)[1]
- al 'ubaid[2]
- billa[8]
- cheshmeh ali[2]
- dalma[9]
- dinkha[8]
- fara[3]
- hajji firuz[20]
- hasanlu[17]
- iran[104]
- iraq[119]
- khafaje[2]
- malyan[2]
- near east[1]
- nippur[20]
- nuzi[1]
- pisdeli[7]
- rayy[9]
- solduz valley[1]
- susa (iran)[1]
- tepe gawra[36]
- tepe hissar[27]
- tureng[1]
- ur[42]
- rayy[11]
- achaemenid period[1]
- archaic[1]
- billa ia[1]
- billa iii[2]
- billa iv[1]
- dinkha iv[3]
- early dynastic[1]
- early dynastic i[2]
- early dynastic iiia[1]
- early dynastic iiib[1]
- early old babylonian period[1]
- gawra sub xi[7]
- gawra viii[3]
- gawra x[3]
- gawra xa[1]
- gawra xi[2]
- gawra xia[2]
- gawra xii[3]
- gawra xiii[1]
- gawra xix[1]
- gawra xv[2]
- gawra xvi[2]
- gawra xviii[4]
- halaf period[4]
- hasanlu period iv[3]
- hasanlu period ivb[4]
- hasanlu period v[2]
- hasanlu period vi[1]
- hissar i[2]
- hissar ia[13]
- hissar ib[7]
- hissar iii[3]
- hissar iiia[2]
- hissar iiib[4]
- hissar iiic[3]
- hurrian[1]
- jemdet nasr[2]
- kassite period[1]
- martu period[1]
- middle assyrian period[2]
- middle babylonian period[3]
- middle elamite period[2]
- modern[1]
- neo-assyrian period[1]
- neo-babylonian period[1]
- neo-sumerian[1]
- old akkadian period[3]
- old babylonian period[4]
- pre-flood[1]
- sargonic[1]
- susa a[1]
- ubaid period[3]
- ur i[1]
- ur iii[5]
- 6 m [10 m][1]
- 9 'o' [9 j][1]
- a.h., against neo-babylonian wall[1]
- area a[2]
- area a, well, above burial g 36 - 163 a[1]
- b.c. dungi room 10[1]
- depth 4.15-4.60 c.e.[1]
- df 08x1[2]
- dg 36[1]
- dh 21[1]
- dh 22x13[1]
- e 24, level iii[1]
- e 24, level iv[1]
- ee 16, lot 3, obj 10[1]
- ee 41, lot 33, -, 45[1]
- grave 304, in small vase[2]
- level 10, trial trench[1]
- level 3[1]
- level 8[1]
- level 8, trial trench[1]
- level i, d e 38, north half, -4.8 to -5.2[1]
- level i, d e 38-39, north centre, -6.0 to -6.3[1]
- level sub xi[5]
- level x[2]
- level xa[1]
- level xi[3]
- level xi a[1]
- level xia[2]
- level xii[2]
- level xii-[1]
- level xiii[1]
- level xv[2]
- level xvi[2]
- level xviii[2]
- level xviii - xix[1]
- m a[1]
- northeast base[1]
- p.f.t. d 4. - 1.50m[1]
- pd. rubbish in filling of gigunu.[1]
- period iii a[1]
- period iii c[1]
- plot record #14[2]
- plot record #31[1]
- refuse[1]
- room 804, level 8[1]
- room 812[1]
- room h-7; stratum ii temple furnishing[1]
- s. 3[1]
- tepe gawra, 10 m[1]
- tepe gawra, 11 m[1]
- tepe gawra, 3 '0'[1]
- tepe gawra, 3 m [10 r][2]
- tepe gawra, 4 j[1]
- tepe gawra, 4 j, 1:90, loc. 7-59[1]
- tepe gawra, 4 k[2]
- tepe gawra, 4 k [11 p] locus 181 child' grave[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 '0' [9 n][1]
- tepe gawra, 5 k[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 m [10 m] locus 157 pottery deposit[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 q [8 n][2]
- tepe gawra, 6 g, child burial[1]
- tepe gawra, 6 k [11 m][1]
- tepe gawra, 7 m [10 l] pavement of room of round house[1]
- tepe gawra, 7 m, 8:55[1]
- tomb 36[1]
- tomb 61[1]
- w6[1]
- west side of shatt[1]
- account[1]
- accounts[1]
- almanac[1]
- ampulla libra[1]
- animal[1]
- animals[1]
- antelope[2]
- banquet[1]
- barley[1]
- basket[1]
- bearded man[1]
- bird[2]
- bull[3]
- business document[1]
- bust[2]
- cloth[1]
- cow[1]
- dedication[1]
- dog[1]
- dogs[1]
- duck?[1]
- economic text[4]
- epic[1]
- equid[1]
- exorcism[1]
- female[3]
- female head[1]
- gazelle?[1]
- geometric pattern[1]
- gilgamesh[2]
- god[1]
- goddess[1]
- goddesses[2]
- human[1]
- huteludus-insusrak[1]
- inscription[3]
- lion[2]
- lyre[1]
- mother goddess[1]
- musician[1]
- nude[3]
- ram[1]
- receipt[1]
- religious text[1]
- reptile[1]
- rooster[1]
- school text[2]
- seal impression[1]
- seated god[1]
- seated goddess[1]
- snake?[1]
- stag[1]
- stag?[1]
- stick[1]
- swan?[1]
- two-headed animal[1]
- vase[1]
- vehicle[1]
- votary[1]
- woman[5]
- wool[1]
- alabaster[7]
- aragonite[1]
- basalt[1]
- bitumen[1]
- bone[13]
- bronze[8]
- ceramic[57]
- chert[5]
- clay[25]
- copper[9]
- copper alloy[2]
- diorite[3]
- flint[15]
- glass[1]
- glaze[3]
- greenstone[1]
- gypsum[1]
- hematite[2]
- horn (animal part)[1]
- iron[1]
- jadeite[3]
- lapis lazuli[1]
- limestone[10]
- marble (stone)[9]
- obsidian[8]
- paint[16]
- paste[1]
- plaster[5]
- sandstone[1]
- serpentine[2]
- shell[1]
- soapstone[2]
- steatite[5]
- stone[8]
- terracotta[33]
- janet monge[1]
- actual citation[35]
1 - 30 of 225 Records

1 - 30 of 225 Records