Search Collections
- Object[124]
- no[124]
- american[124]
- armor[1]
- arrow[1]
- arrow fragment[3]
- bar[1]
- bidarka[3]
- bidarka rib[5]
- boat[8]
- boat part[1]
- bow[1]
- bow fragment[1]
- bow trigger[1]
- chip[3]
- chopped post[1]
- die[1]
- disc[1]
- figure four trap[1]
- float[1]
- game stick[11]
- harpoon[1]
- harpoon head[1]
- hook[1]
- house post[2]
- kayak paddle[1]
- knife[5]
- knife handle[2]
- ladle[1]
- mask[1]
- mask part[10]
- meat stick[3]
- model[11]
- net float[3]
- object[1]
- paddle[3]
- paddle blade[2]
- peg[6]
- pin[5]
- pin fragment[1]
- planing adze[1]
- post[2]
- prow handle[1]
- pump[1]
- quiver[2]
- rod[4]
- scraper handle[1]
- shaft[3]
- shovel blade[1]
- sling shot handle[1]
- snow shovel[1]
- spear model[1]
- splinter[2]
- spoon[1]
- spoon handle[1]
- stake[3]
- throwing stick[1]
- tongs[2]
- toy[9]
- ulo[4]
- ulu[1]
- wood[2]
- wood fragment[2]
- alaganik[1]
- alaska[124]
- chenega village[4]
- cook inlet[6]
- copper river[1]
- copper river delta[1]
- cordova[16]
- daxatkanada fort[1]
- frank fox's place[1]
- hawkins island[10]
- hologochaket[2]
- holy cross[1]
- innoko river[2]
- kachemak bay[6]
- kaiyuh slough[8]
- kashim[4]
- kateel[4]
- khotol river[8]
- kiniklik[1]
- knight island[1]
- kootznahoo inlet[1]
- koyukuk river[4]
- lower yukon river valley[11]
- middle yukon valley[4]
- nuchek[1]
- nunivak island[11]
- old fish camp[4]
- old town[1]
- palu:tat[39]
- palugvik village[10]
- paul esmailka's camp[1]
- prince william sound[47]
- sheep bay[1]
- united states of america[101]
- yakutat bay[1]
- yukon island[1]
- yukon willow creek[2]
- yuto[1]
- yutogonodaldads[1]
- modern[5]
- old town iii[1]
- chugach[31]
- chugach eskimo[3]
- eskimo[21]
- eyak[1]
- kenai[1]
- modern indian[9]
- prehistoric eskimo[49]
- prehistoric indian[4]
- arctic culture area[124]
- "mummies" cave at south end of island, d - surface[1]
- 2 d, 2' - 2'6", vii[1]
- b surface[1]
- beach[1]
- c - surface[3]
- c and d 1' and 4'[1]
- c and d, 1' and 4'[1]
- c and d, 1' to 4'[1]
- c surface[1]
- d near surface[9]
- d surface[1]
- d, 6" below surface[1]
- deserted house on other side of bay opposite seldovia[1]
- e 6" below surface[1]
- e surface[4]
- f surface[1]
- f1w - loose shell fill in large post hole[1]
- from a recently abandoned house.[1]
- hosue 12[1]
- house #7[1]
- house 5[1]
- house 6[2]
- house 8[3]
- house 9, on floor in area of carbonized planks and wood[1]
- near seldovia[1]
- near seldovia, abandoned house at jackeloff's place.[1]
- near seldovia, abandoned shed at jackeloff's place[2]
- section b, near surface[1]
- section c[1]
- section c, surface[1]
- section d[2]
- section d, near surface[2]
- section e, near surface[1]
- stratum iv bottom[1]
- stratum iv, 2f, level 10 and upper 11, hearth[1]
- stratum iv, 3c, bottom[1]
- stratum iv, extreme southwest corner of 2d[1]
- stratum iv, h, bottom. upright beside housepost (copper tag 1045)[1]
- stratum iv, lying horizontally near house post[1]
- stratum iv, lying horizontally under house post 1032[1]
- stratum iv, northwest corner of 1g, bottom[1]
- stratum iv,2c, level 107[1]
1 - 32 of 124 Records

1 - 32 of 124 Records