Search Collections
- Object[5,166]
- no[5,166]
- american[5,166]
- adze[62]
- adze blade[36]
- adze fragment[18]
- animal bone[19]
- antler[14]
- arrowhead[52]
- articulation[46]
- awl[239]
- awl point[13]
- barb[14]
- barbed head[34]
- basket[14]
- bead[133]
- bear bone[19]
- bear tooth[10]
- bird bone[31]
- blade[213]
- blade fragment[37]
- bone[116]
- bone fragment[16]
- burin[35]
- caribou bone[10]
- chert[40]
- china fragment[10]
- chip[44]
- chisel[76]
- coal[36]
- copper fragment[10]
- dart head[52]
- dart point[12]
- drill[34]
- drill point[17]
- fish hook[59]
- flake[109]
- flint flaker[17]
- fragment[12]
- game stick[11]
- grooved stone[11]
- hammerstone[74]
- harpoon[10]
- harpoon head[58]
- knife[88]
- knife blade[13]
- labret[40]
- lamp[52]
- lance blade[34]
- mask part[10]
- matting[11]
- mirror[12]
- model[17]
- needle[78]
- notched stone[42]
- object[52]
- paint palette[18]
- paint stone[31]
- pebble[20]
- peg[13]
- pendant[48]
- pestle[11]
- pin[197]
- planing adze blade[43]
- point[376]
- pottery fragment[65]
- pottery fragments[15]
- projectile point[29]
- pumice[11]
- rib[16]
- ring[46]
- rod[21]
- rubbing tool[80]
- saw[38]
- scraper[101]
- scraper blade[13]
- shaft[15]
- sherd[32]
- sinker[228]
- slab[40]
- slate[25]
- slate fragment[39]
- socket piece[17]
- splitting adze[66]
- splitting adze blade[32]
- spoon[11]
- stone[85]
- stone fragment[12]
- throwing stone[15]
- tool[11]
- toy[29]
- tube[44]
- ulo[15]
- ulu[17]
- ulu blade[108]
- ulu blade fragment[10]
- ulu fragment[10]
- wedge[57]
- whale bone[11]
- whetstone[133]
- wood[40]
- wood fragments[12]
- worked bone[15]
- adam's place[10]
- admiralty island[94]
- alaska[5,166]
- anderson bay[7]
- angoon[17]
- angoon area[19]
- anvik[57]
- anvik point[35]
- anvik river[41]
- aurora (alaska)[14]
- aurora spit[13]
- axlatuliq[8]
- blackburn[14]
- blackburn slough[14]
- bonasila[106]
- bonasila beach[60]
- chenega island[18]
- chenega village[5]
- chiktaruik[5]
- cook inlet[842]
- cordova[20]
- cottonwood creek (alaska)[5]
- cottonwood creek (alaska)[315]
- crescent river[6]
- daxatkanada[27]
- daxatkanada fort[346]
- diyaguna'et[25]
- dolby[5]
- east beach[5]
- eleven-mile village[7]
- ellamar[5]
- esther passage[10]
- ewan bay[10]
- fish creek[6]
- fish creek indian reserve[6]
- fox farm[116]
- frank fox's place[92]
- ghost creek[5]
- grayling (alaska)[6]
- halibut cove[135]
- hall rapids[5]
- hawkins cut-off[8]
- hawkins island[454]
- hinchinbrook island[22]
- holiday's old place[5]
- hologochaket[9]
- holy cross[97]
- hood bay[6]
- innoko river[16]
- ishmailoff island[134]
- kachemak bay[720]
- kaiyuh slough[98]
- kaltag[5]
- kashim[19]
- kasitana bay[5]
- kateel[26]
- kateel river[11]
- kateel village[11]
- kenai[5]
- ketintcian[17]
- khotol river[98]
- killisnoo harbor[18]
- kimiklik village[10]
- knight island[791]
- kootznahoo inlet[401]
- koyukuk river[46]
- kustatan/west foreland[7]
- lost river[57]
- lost river site[14]
- lower yukon river valley[427]
- middle yukon valley[79]
- mole harbor[47]
- montague island[25]
- mummy island[8]
- nessudat[33]
- new grayling[24]
- nunakchuk[8]
- nunivak island[11]
- old fish camp[78]
- old town[757]
- paddy bay[10]
- palu:tat[84]
- palugvik village[447]
- passage island[11]
- pillsbury point[32]
- port graham[33]
- prince william sound[585]
- qeyagwik[8]
- qngaqesle island[10]
- sheep bay[8]
- smith's fox farm[15]
- stockdale harbor[26]
- tanana (alaska)[23]
- tanana mission[11]
- united states of america[4,933]
- west beach[23]
- wunqra[11]
- yakutat bay[864]
- yukon island[1,928]
- yukon willow creek[11]
- alaska[2]
- historic[2]
- kachemak bay[1]
- kachemak bay culture i[163]
- kachemak bay culture ii[114]
- kachemak bay culture iii[95]
- kachemak bay culture sub-iii[4]
- kachemak bay i[1]
- kachemak bay ii[1]
- kachemak bay iii[4]
- late historic period[1]
- modern[70]
- old town[21]
- old town i[54]
- old town ii[149]
- old town iii[191]
- prehistoric[42]
- yukon island culture i[1]
- ahtna[11]
- athapaskan[24]
- chilkat[1]
- chugach[53]
- chugach eskimo[5]
- deg hit’an (ingalik)[2]
- denbigh flint complex[1]
- dene[23]
- eskimo[1,068]
- eyak[16]
- haida[1]
- hologochaket[1]
- hoonah[1]
- indian[19]
- inuit[16]
- kachemak bay[1]
- kachemak bay culture iii[728]
- kachemak bay culture sub-iii[259]
- kachemak bay iii[1]
- kenai[3]
- knatana[7]
- kodiak[3]
- kootsnuhu tlingit[13]
- kootznahoo tlingit[1]
- koyukon[2]
- koyukuk[4]
- kuchin[1]
- lower koyukuk[6]
- lower yukon[2]
- modern indian[52]
- nadene[1]
- post russian[2]
- pre russian[1]
- prehistoric[1]
- prehistoric eskimo[1,975]
- prehistoric indian[62]
- prehistoric tlingit[3]
- prince william[3]
- taka tlingit[25]
- taku tlingit[22]
- tanaina[12]
- tanana[12]
- tlingit[55]
- tsimshian[1]
- yakutat[17]
- yakutat (culture)[186]
- yukon[30]
- 1 k 11', under grinding stone and log in house corner, ii[13]
- 1st site on right lagoon[11]
- 2 d, 1' 6" - 2', vii or viii[8]
- 2 f 5' 6", iv -- all found within 6 inches of each other in dark, hearthy earth[12]
- 2 h[23]
- 2 j[21]
- 2' 6" - 3' 3"[12]
- 2nd site on right lagoon[10]
- 3 h[93]
- 3 j[46]
- 3 k[12]
- 3 x 5'[9]
- 3' - 3'6"[13]
- 3'3" - 3'9"[14]
- 3'6" - 4'[17]
- 3'9" - 4'3"[21]
- 4 h[63]
- 4 j[54]
- 4 j, surface - 9"[9]
- 4 k[51]
- 4 k, 3'3" - 3'9"[43]
- 4' - 4'6"[19]
- 4'3" - 4'9"[14]
- 4'6" - 5'[10]
- 4'9" - 5'3"[19]
- 5 h[87]
- 5 j[56]
- 5 j, 10' 6" - 11', layer 1[15]
- 5 j, 13' - 13' 9", layer 1, bottom of midden[9]
- 5 k[28]
- 5' - 5'6"[16]
- 5'3" - 5'9"[11]
- 5'6" - 6'[19]
- 6' - 6'6"[11]
- 6'3" - 6'9"[16]
- 6'6" - 7'[54]
- 6'9" - 7'3"[11]
- 7' - 7'6"[19]
- 7'3" - 7'9"[15]
- 7'6" - 8'[13]
- 8' - 8'6"[16]
- 8'3" - 8'9"[9]
- 9' 6" - 10'[12]
- a, surface to 6", ix[9]
- a2e 6-12"[9]
- beach[51]
- beach.[11]
- c, 2' 3" - 2' 9", ix[13]
- c2e 12-18"[9]
- c2e 6-12"[13]
- cave in[11]
- charcoal layer above beach on terrace #1[15]
- d near surface[11]
- d2e 6-12"[10]
- f, 6' 6" - 7' 3", iii[11]
- f2e 24-30"[9]
- h, 7' 3" - 7' 9", iii[9]
- house 12[40]
- house 13, floor[15]
- house 33[14]
- house 4[16]
- house 6[10]
- house 8[27]
- j[11]
- j, 2'-2'6"[11]
- l, 3' - 3'6"[12]
- layer 5 a[11]
- layer 5 b[12]
- layer 5-a[27]
- layer 5-c[12]
- layer 5a[61]
- layer 5a?[9]
- layer 6[96]
- layer 6 (5a?)[9]
- layer 6 or 5-b?[9]
- layer 6 or 5-c[12]
- layer 6 or 5c[10]
- layer 6 or 7[35]
- layer 6?[30]
- layer 7[111]
- layer 7 or 8[12]
- layer 7 or 9[12]
- layer 7?[19]
- layer 8[94]
- layer 8, 7? or 6[17]
- layer 8?[16]
- layer 9[53]
- layer 9?[30]
- layers 8 and 9[10]
- m, 4' - 4' 6", layer 3 or 4[10]
- mound b[74]
- mound b, upper 10' in layer of fire-cracked rocks[10]
- on floor of house?[23]
- pit 3[9]
- point west of entrance to halibut cove[40]
- shiskin smokehouse[10]
- slope of terrace #2, at house #1[10]
- surface - 2' 6"[17]
- tailings[28]
- test pit 1[12]
- abalone[2]
- adze[3]
- agate[2]
- alder wood[2]
- andesite[13]
- animal bone[47]
- animal tooth[6]
- antler[309]
- bark[5]
- basalt[45]
- beads[8]
- bear bone[38]
- bear tooth[17]
- beaver fur[2]
- beaver tooth[13]
- birch bark[10]
- bird bone[313]
- black oil shale[3]
- bone[1,219]
- caribou bone[28]
- cedar[3]
- ceramic[93]
- chert[102]
- china[6]
- clay[23]
- claystone[9]
- coal[74]
- copper[72]
- cormorant bone[8]
- cotton[10]
- diabase[7]
- diorite[9]
- dog bone[7]
- dolorite[32]
- feather[11]
- felsite[9]
- felt[4]
- fiber[8]
- fish bone[43]
- flint[16]
- fur[12]
- glass[22]
- granite[5]
- grass[16]
- graywacke[12]
- greenstone[155]
- gypsum[4]
- hair[7]
- hematite[12]
- hide[9]
- iron[43]
- ivory[79]
- jasper[21]
- lava stone[39]
- limestone[18]
- maidenhair fern[3]
- mammal bone[8]
- marble (stone)[20]
- metal[8]
- metamorphic rock[3]
- moose bone[4]
- moose hide[3]
- moosehide[3]
- mussel shell[3]
- obsidian[3]
- ochre[11]
- paint[17]
- pigment[10]
- plant fiber[4]
- porcelain[8]
- pumice[11]
- quartz[15]
- quartzite[3]
- rawhide[4]
- red shale[30]
- reed (plant)[8]
- sandstone[193]
- schist[60]
- sea otter tooth[5]
- seal bone[38]
- seal tooth[5]
- sealskin[3]
- seed[3]
- shale[112]
- shell[13]
- siltstone[3]
- sinew[17]
- skin[4]
- slate[740]
- soot[10]
- spruce root[16]
- steatite[3]
- steel[4]
- stone[689]
- tooth[11]
- whale bone[69]
- wicker[5]
- wood[275]
- wool[5]
- wythe[6]
- baked[14]
- basketry[15]
- beaded[4]
- braided[1]
- burned[4]
- burnt[2]
- carbonized[42]
- carved[6]
- chipped[59]
- cut[168]
- decorated[8]
- flaked[1]
- grooved[2]
- ground[7]
- incised[5]
- inlaid[1]
- notched[1]
- painted[2]
- pitted[1]
- polished[1]
- retouched[2]
- sawed[11]
- shaped[12]
- sharpened[2]
- slit[1]
- stained[2]
- twined[4]
- unfinished[15]
- whetted[1]
- whittled[1]
- worked[19]
1 - 32 of 5,166 Records

1 - 32 of 5,166 Records