Search Collections
- Object[47]
- no[47]
- american[47]
- boat part[1]
- chopped post[1]
- die[1]
- figure four trap[1]
- game stick[11]
- harpoon[1]
- house post[1]
- kayak paddle[1]
- knife[1]
- ladle[1]
- model[11]
- peg[3]
- post[2]
- pump[1]
- quiver[1]
- shovel blade[1]
- sling shot handle[1]
- snow shovel[1]
- spear model[1]
- spoon[1]
- stake[2]
- throwing stick[1]
- tongs[2]
- toy[8]
- ulu[1]
- wood[1]
- alaska[47]
- chenega village[4]
- cordova[16]
- hawkins island[10]
- kiniklik[1]
- nuchek[1]
- palugvik village[10]
- prince william sound[47]
- sheep bay[1]
- united states of america[35]
- chugach[31]
- chugach eskimo[3]
- eskimo[2]
- prehistoric eskimo[10]
- from a recently abandoned house.[1]
- stratum iv bottom[1]
- stratum iv, 2f, level 10 and upper 11, hearth[1]
- stratum iv, 3c, bottom[1]
- stratum iv, extreme southwest corner of 2d[1]
- stratum iv, h, bottom. upright beside housepost (copper tag 1045)[1]
- stratum iv, lying horizontally near house post[1]
- stratum iv, lying horizontally under house post 1032[1]
- stratum iv, northwest corner of 1g, bottom[1]
- stratum iv,2c, level 107[1]
- carved[1]
1 - 32 of 47 Records

1 - 32 of 47 Records