Search Collections
- Object[176]
- no[176]
- american[176]
- animal bone[8]
- animal tooth[1]
- antler[15]
- antler slab[1]
- articulation[24]
- awl[3]
- bar[1]
- bead[1]
- bear bone[6]
- bear jam[1]
- bear tooth[5]
- bird bone[19]
- bone[65]
- caribou antler[1]
- caribou bone[5]
- dog bone[1]
- eagle bone[1]
- flint flaker[3]
- gourd[1]
- guacal[1]
- handle[1]
- ice pick[1]
- ivory[6]
- mammal bone[1]
- point[1]
- rib[5]
- scapula[1]
- scraper[4]
- seal tooth[1]
- shale[4]
- tooth[3]
- wedge[1]
- whale bone[2]
- whale rib[2]
- whale tooth[1]
- wood[1]
- admiralty island[1]
- alaska[168]
- anderson bay[1]
- angiluk[1]
- angoon[1]
- anvik point[1]
- bonasila[2]
- bonasila beach[2]
- cook inlet[25]
- cottonwood creek (alaska)[1]
- cottonwood creek (alaska)[3]
- daxatkanada fort[21]
- department of baja verapaz[1]
- fox farm[3]
- frank fox's place[4]
- gravina bay[1]
- guatemala[1]
- halibut cove[4]
- hawkins island[21]
- hinchinbrook island[1]
- holy cross[4]
- ishmailoff island[4]
- kachemak bay[19]
- kaiyuh slough[1]
- kayak island[1]
- khotol river[1]
- knight island[4]
- kootznahoo inlet[24]
- lost river[1]
- lower yukon river valley[8]
- nessudat[1]
- new grayling[1]
- palu:tat[2]
- palugvik village[20]
- passage island[1]
- pillsbury point[2]
- port graham[1]
- prince william sound[22]
- qatlexelye[2]
- qreyagwik[1]
- rabinal[1]
- sullivan point[1]
- tagwanicu[1]
- tutka[1]
- united states of america[168]
- west beach[1]
- yakutat bay[5]
- yukon island[100]
- yukon willow creek[1]
- (4?) - 7'[1]
- 1 l 2", vii-ix ?[1]
- 1'9" - 2'6"[1]
- 10'2" - 10'7"[1]
- 2 ' below surface.[1]
- 2 f, 3' - 3' 6", viii (ix?)[1]
- 2 f, 4' - 4' 6", viii or ix[1]
- 2 g, 3' - 3' 6", vii or viii[1]
- 2 g, 4' - 4' 8", vi or vii[1]
- 2 g, surface - 2', viii to x[1]
- 2 h[1]
- 2 m 6' 6", ii[1]
- 2 m, 5', v[1]
- 2' 6" - 3' 3"[1]
- 2'9" - 3'3"[1]
- 2d, 6" -1', viii (ix)[1]
- 2e, 6" - 1', viii (ix)[1]
- 2f, 1'9" - 2'3", viii, ix or x[1]
- 2f, 3'6" - 4', viii (ix?)[1]
- 2g, 3'6", to 4', vii or viii[1]
- 2g, surface - 1' 9", (viii) x[1]
- 2s 0-6"[1]
- 2t surface of light brown midden below charcoal and bark layer in hearthpit. 10" below moss. total depth 17" 16" e and 29" s of nw corner[1]
- 3 h[2]
- 3 j[4]
- 3 j 1'9" - 2'3"[2]
- 3 j, 1'3" - 1'9"[1]
- 3 k[2]
- 3 x 5'[1]
- 3' - 3'6"[1]
- 3'3" - 3'9"[3]
- 3'6" - 4'[1]
- 3'9" - 4'3"[1]
- 4 1/2 ' below surface.[1]
- 4 h[1]
- 4 h (12' - 12' 6"), layer 1[1]
- 4 h, surface of old midden[1]
- 4 j[4]
- 4 j, 2'-2'6"[1]
- 4 j, surface - 9"[1]
- 4 k[5]
- 4 k, 12' 6" - 13', layer 1[1]
- 4 k.[1]
- 4' 5" - 5'[1]
- 4'3" - 4'9"[1]
- 4'9" - 5'3"[2]
- 5 h[2]
- 5 h, surface of old midden[1]
- 5 j[5]
- 5 j, 1'6" - 2'[2]
- 5 j, 13' - 13' 9", layer 1, bottom of midden[1]
- 5 k, 11' - 11' 6", layer 1[2]
- 5 k, 12' - 12' 6", layer 1[2]
- 5 k, 13' - 13' 8", layer 1[1]
- 5 k, 2'9"-3'3"[1]
- 5'6" - 6'[1]
- 6'3" - 6'9"[2]
- 6'6" - 7'[1]
- 6'9" - 7'3"[1]
- 8' - 8'6"[1]
- 8'6" - 9'2"[1]
- 9' - 9'6"[1]
- 9'3" - 10'[1]
- 9'6" - 9'8"[2]
- 9'9" - 10'3"[1]
- admiralty island[1]
- beach[1]
- bottom layer 21-27 inches[2]
- c and d, 1' to 4'[1]
- c or d, surface to 3', vii to ix[1]
- c, 3' - 3' 9", vii[1]
- c2e 6-12"[2]
- charcoal layer above beach on terrace #1[2]
- d near surface[1]
- d, 1 '6" - 2', viii or ix[1]
- d, 1' - 6", viii or ix[1]
- e1e 6-12"[2]
- f, 6' 6" - 7' 3", iii[4]
- f2e 12-18"[2]
- g, 6' 6" - 7' 3", iii[3]
- g2e 18-24"[2]
- h, 6'3" - 6'9", iii[2]
- layer 5a[4]
- layer 6[2]
- layer 6 or 5-c[2]
- layer 7[9]
- layer 8 or 7[2]
- layer 8?[3]
- layer 9[2]
- layer 9?[3]
- mound b near house 1[2]
- mound b, upper 10' in layer of fire-cracked rocks[2]
- outside house[2]
- point west of entrance to halibut cove[2]
- shelly refill in house[2]
- square d, layer d, 12-18"[2]
- stratum iii, 1g, level 7[2]
- stratum iv, 1f, level 7[2]
- stratum iv, 2e, level 10[2]
- tailings[4]
- animal bone[8]
- antler[17]
- bear bone[11]
- bear tooth[6]
- bird bone[26]
- bone[59]
- canine tooth[1]
- caribou antler[1]
- caribou bone[12]
- cormorant bone[3]
- crane bone[1]
- deer bone[1]
- dog bone[4]
- eagle bone[1]
- gourd[1]
- ivory[6]
- mammal bone[1]
- marble (stone)[1]
- moose bone[1]
- red shale[2]
- seal bone[2]
- seal tooth[1]
- shale[2]
- tooth[3]
- whale bone[9]
- whale ivory[1]
- whale tooth[1]
- wood[1]
1 - 32 of 176 Records

1 - 32 of 176 Records