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Tlingit Bibliography - Books
Beasley, Richard A.
2009    Tlingit Wood Carving: How to Carve a Tlingit Tray (Volume 1). Sealaska Heritage Institute, Juneau.

Beasley, Richard A.
2009    Tlingit Wood Carving: How to Carve a Tlingit Mask (Volume 3). Sealaska Heritage Institute, Juneau.

Boas, Franz
1917    Grammatical Notes on the Language of the Tlingit Indians. University of Pennsylvania Museum Anthropological Publication, Philadelphia.

Brown, Steve
1995    The Spirit Within. Rizzoli International Publications, New York.

Busby, Sharon
2003    Spruce Root Basketry of the Haida and Tlingit. University of Washington Press, Seattle.       

Dauenhauer, Richard
1974    Text and Context of Tlingit Oral Tradition. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Dauenhauer, Nora Marks
2000    Life Woven with Song. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Dauenhauer, Nora Marks and Richard Dauenhauer
1987    Haa shuká, Our Ancestors: Tlingit Oral Narratives, Classics of Tlingit Oral Literature, Volume 1. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Richard Dauenhauer
1990    Haa tuwunáagu yís, for healing our spirit: Tlingit Oratory, Classics of Tlingit Oral Literature, Volume 2. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Richard Dauenhauer
1991    Beginning Tlingit. Juneau, Alaska: Sealaska Heritage Foundation Press.

Richard Dauenhauer
1994    Haa Kusteyi/Our Culture: Tlingit Life Stories, Classics of Tlingit Oral Literature, Volume 3. University of Washington Press, Seattle and Sealaska Foundation, Juneau.

Dauenhauer, Nora Marks and Richard Dauenhauer
2002    Lingít X’éináx Sá!: Say it in Tlingit: A Tlingit Phrase Book. Sealaska Heritage Institute, Juneau.

Dauenhauer, Nora Marks, Richard Dauenhauer and Lydia Black
2008    Anooshi Lingit Aani Ka/Russians in Tlingit America: The Battles of Sitka, 1802 And 1804. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

De Laguna, Frederica
1960    The Story of A TlingitVillage: A Problem in the Relationship Between Archaeological, Ethnological, and Historical Methods. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 17, Washington, D.C.

De Laguna, Frederica
1972    Under Mount Saint Elias: The History and Culture of the Yakutat Tlingit. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology 7. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington.

Emmons, George T.
1991    The Tlingit Indians. Edited with additions by Frederica de Laguna. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Fare, Susan W. and Rosita Worl, editors
2000    Celebration 2000: Restoring Balance Through Culture. Sealaska Heritage Foundation, Juneau.

Gmelch, Sharon
2008    The Tlingit Encounter with Photography.  University of Pennsylvania Museum Press, Philadelphia.

Grinev, Andrei Val'terovich
2008    The Tlingit Indians in Russian America, 1741-1867. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

Goldschmidt, Walter R. and Theodore H. Haas
1998    Haa Aani Our Land: Tlingit and HaidaLand Rights and Use. Sealaska Heritage Foundation, Juneau.

Hope, Andrew III and Thomas F. Thornton, editors
2000    Will the Time Ever Come? A Tlingit Source Book. Alaska Native Knowledge Network. University of Alaska,

Fairbanks. Jonaitis, Aldona
1989    Art of the Northern Tlingit. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Kamenskii, Fr. Anatolii
1985    Tlingit Indians of Alaska, Translated with additions by Sergei Kan. University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks.

Kan, Sergei
1989    Symbolic Immortality: Tlingit Potlatch of the Nineteenth Century. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Kan, Sergei
1999    Memory Eternal: Tlingit Culture and Russian Orthodox Christianity through Two Centuries. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Kaplan, Susan A. and Kristen J. Barsness
1986    Raven’s Journey: The World of Alaska’s Native People. University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Krause, Aurel
1970    The Tlingit Indians. Translated by Erna Gunther. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Leer, Jeff
1991    The Schetic Categories of the Tlingit Verb. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, Chicago.

Leer, Jeff, Doug Hitch, and John Ritter
2001    Interior Tlingit Noun Dictionary: The Dialects Spoken by Tlingit Elders of Carcross and Teslin, Yukon, and Atlin, British Columbia. Yukon Native Language Centre, Whitehorse.

Naish, Constance M.
1966    A Syntactic Study of Tlingit. Unpublished M.A. thesis, School of Oriental and African Languages, University of London, London.

Naish, Constance M., Story, Gillian L., Davis, Henry and Jeff Leer
1976    Tlingit Noun Dictionary. Sheldon Jackson College, Sitka.

Nyman, Elizabeth and Jeff Leer
1993    Gágiwdu:àt: Brought Forth to Reconfirm. The Legacy of a TakuRiver Tlingit Clan. Alaska Native Language Center, Fairbanks.

Oberg, Kalervo
1973    The Social Economy of the Tlingit Indians. American Ethnological Society Monograph, University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Olsen, Ronald L.
1967    Social Structure and Social Life of the Tlingit in Alaska. University of California Anthropological Records 26. Berkeley.

Story, Gillian L.
1966    A Morphological Study of Tlingit. Unpublished M.A. thesis, School of Oriental and African Languages, University of London, London.

Story, Gillian L. and Constance M. Naish
1973    Tlingit Verb Dictionary. Alaska Native Language Center, Fairbanks.

Swanton, John
1909    Tlingit Myths and Texts. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 39. Washington D.C.

Thornton, Thomas F.
2007    Being and Place Among the Tlingit. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Victor-Howe, Ann-Marie
2007    Feeding the Ancestors: Tlingit Carved Horn Spoons. Peabody Museum Press, Cambridge.

Williams, Frank, Emma Williams and Jeff Leer
1978    Tongass Texts. Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center.

Worl, Rosita
1998    Tlingit At.oow: Tangible and Intangible Property. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Harvard Unversity, Cambridge.

Worl, Rosita, Kathy Dye and Bill Hess, editors
2008    Celebration: Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian – Dancing on the Land. University of Washington, Seattle.