Great Adventures along the Silk Road

From mummies to Marco Polo to military warfare to the Black Death. Explore the many adventures the Silk Road has to offer in this lecture series which occured from October 2010 to June 2011.

Looking East from Constantinople: Byzantium and the Silk Road  by Dr. Robert G. Ousterhout thumbnail.

Length: 57:27

Looking East from Constantinople: Byzantium and the Silk Road by Dr. Robert G. Ousterhout

Medieval Constantinople was the greatest emporium of the eastern Mediterranean, where East and West came together. After a brief overview of the Byzantine capital, the talk will chart the routes merchants took traveling eastward from Constantinople,...

Great Adventures along the Silk Road: Tamurlane's Samarkand thumbnail.

Length: 1:02:19

Great Adventures along the Silk Road: Tamurlane's Samarkand

Renata Holod gives the talk "Tamurlane's Samarkand" for the Penn Museum's lecture series, "Great Adventures along the Silk Road"....

Great Adventures along the Silk Road - The Plague thumbnail.

Length: 57:52

Great Adventures along the Silk Road - The Plague

Lester K. Little, Professor of History, Smith College, focuses on plague in this "Great Adventures" lecture. Virtually all of the major epidemics of infectious diseases in history have followed quite closely upon recently opened avenues of communicat...

Great Adventures along the Silk Road - From Bukhara and Back thumbnail.

Length: 1:02:21

Great Adventures along the Silk Road - From Bukhara and Back

Dr. Renata Holod presents "From Baghdad to Bukhara and Back" at the Great Adventures along the Silk Road Lecture Series at the Penn Museum. For more information:

Introduction to the Silk Road by Nancy Steinhardt thumbnail.

Length: 1:17:31

Introduction to the Silk Road by Nancy Steinhardt

Penn Museum's 2010-2011 monthly lecture/reception series explores all the adventures the Silk Road has to offer, from mummies to Marco Polo to military warfare to the Black Death. In this first program, "Great Sites on the Silk Road," Dr. Nancy Stein...

The Tarim Basin Mummies by Victor Mair thumbnail.

Length: 1:08:52

The Tarim Basin Mummies by Victor Mair

The exhibition Secrets of the Silk Road explores the history of the vast desert landscape of the Tarim Basin, located in Western China, and the mystery of the peoples who lived there. Located at the crossroads between East and West, oasis towns withi...