Video Subject: Pakistan

Pakistan 1953 Reel 10 of 10 thumbnail.

Pakistan 1953 Reel 10 of 10

Reel 10 of 10 Unedited travelogue returning from Swat Karachi


1953: Reel 10: Paki...

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Pakistan 1953 Reel 9 of 10 thumbnail.

Pakistan 1953 Reel 9 of 10

Reel 9 of 10 Unedited travelogue Kohat en route to Khyber Pass en route to Swat



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Pakistan 1953 Reel 8 of 10 thumbnail.

Pakistan 1953 Reel 8 of 10

Reel 8 of 10 Unedited travelogue en route to Kohat


Reel 8 of 10 Unedited travelo...

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Pakistan 1953 Reel 7 of 10 thumbnail.

Pakistan 1953 Reel 7 of 10

Reel 7 of 10 Unedited travelogue Rawalpindi Gilgit en route Peshawar


Reel 7 of ...

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Pakistan 1953 Reel 6 of 10 thumbnail.

Pakistan 1953 Reel 6 of 10

Reel 6 of 10 Unedited travelogue Rawalpindi en route to Munel (?)


Reel 6 of 10 ...

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Pakistan 1953 Reel 5 of 10 thumbnail.

Pakistan 1953 Reel 5 of 10

Reel 5 of 10 Unedited travelogue en route to Rawalpindi


Reel 5 of 10 Unedited tr...

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Pakistan 1953 Reel 4 of 10 thumbnail.

Pakistan 1953 Reel 4 of 10

Reel 4 of 10 Unedited travelogue Lahore en route to Rawalpindi


Reel 4 of 10 Une...

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Pakistan 1953 Reel 3 of 10 thumbnail.

Pakistan 1953 Reel 3 of 10

Reel 3 of 10 Unedited travelogue Lahore to Ravi River Hadja Mecca pilgrimage Mogul Palace Shrin...

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Pakistan 1953 Reel 2 of 10 thumbnail.

Pakistan 1953 Reel 2 of 10

Reel 2 of 10 Unedited travelogue Lahore


1953: Reel 2: Pakistan. Lahore Fort and...

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Gwalia, Deli, Lahore, Khyber thumbnail.

Gwalia, Deli, Lahore, Khyber

Unedited travelogue titled: "Gwalian Deli Lahore Kyber" Gwalia, Australia Deli, India Khyber Pas...

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Circumnavigation #3: (1930) thumbnail.

Circumnavigation #3: (1930)

Edited travelogue with narrative titles Circumnavigating the Earth...

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1 - 11 of 11 Records