Cultural Heritage Project in Iraq - Part Two

Category: Educational

Length: 07:18
Film Description In April 2009, Dr. Brian Rose, Deputy Director of the Penn Museum was invited by the State Department to help coordinate cultural preservation efforts in Iraq. Along with a team of army specialists and other cultural experts, Dr. Rose visited several cultural heritage sites across the country that experienced significant damage during the past wars. Among these sites was the ancient city of Ur, known as the cradle of civilization and the site of the biblical Garden of Eden. Abdul Amir Abdani, Archaeologial Site Supervisor for the Province of Dhi Qar, tours the "House of Abraham" near the Ziggurat of Ur built by Ur-Nammu in 2100 BCE. The site is said to be the birthplace of the biblical Abraham although there is no archaeological evidence to support this claim. In 2000, Saddam Hussein built a modern "House of Abraham" out of cement bricks in hopes that the Pope would visit on the Anniversary year of the Vatican. The Pope, however, did not come.

The group also tours the site of the Great Death Pit at the Royal Cemetery of Ur dating from 2500BCE. The site, excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley in 1922, yielded the an extraordinary cache of gold and cultural artifacts as well as a dramatic story of human sacrifice. The materials he found, including the headdress of Queen Pu-Abi and a bull-shaped lyre and are the highlights of a new exhibition at the Penn Museum, Discovering Iraq's Ancient Past.
Video Category Educational

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