The Buddhist Murals: Up Close & Personal, a Conservation Adventure

Category: Lecture

Length: 24:32
Video Date 09/16/2014
Film Description The Buddhist Murals in our Chinese Rotunda, some of the largest artifacts in our collection, have been on exhibition there since the 1920s. Supported by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation and Michael Feng and Winnie Chin Feng, we’ve begun work on a survey of the murals’ current condition. Since early February,conservation interns, Cassia Balogh and Morgan Burgess have been recording the current condition using a multi-layer photo editing program. Working with one area at a time, they closely examine each centimeter of the surface, documenting more than fifteen different condition phenomena, such as previous restorations, cracks, flaking surface, exposed ground, and others. Join us as they walk through the steps they have undertaken.
Video Category Lecture
Contributor(s) Cassia Balogh | Morgan Burgess

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