The Late Bronze Egyptian Garrison at Beth Shan
A Study of Levels VII and VIII
Buy PublicationAuthor(s): Frances W. James, Patrick E. McGovern
Published: 1993
ISBN: 9780924171277
Series: Museum Monogragh

The University Museum excavated at Beth Shan from 1921-1934, when stratigraphical methods were first being developed. For this study the two Late Bronze levels (VII and VIII) have been reevaluated by the careful analysis of field records, photographs, and drawings along with the restudy of all artifacts housed in The University Museum and a selection of objects in the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem. The structures of these levels have parallels in New Kingdom Egypt and Late Bronze/Early Iron Age sites of southern Levant and the Sinai. Included are contributions by 13 specialists on specific classes of objects and technologies.