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The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania

20 Publications

Year Title Vol. / No.
1893 Old Babylonian Inscriptions Chiefly from Nippur: Part 1 Vol. 1, No. 1, Series A
1896 Old Babylonian Inscriptions Chiefly from Nippur: Part 2 Vol. 1, No. 2, Series A
1904 Researches and Treatises: The Excavations in Assyria and Babylonia Vol. 1, Series D
1906 Cuneiform Texts: Mathematical, Metrological and Chronological Tablets from the Temple Library of Nippur Vol. 20, No. 1, Series A
1910 Researches and Treatises: The Earliest Version of the Babylonian Deluge Story and the Temple Library of Nippur Vol. 5, No. 1, Series D
1898 Cuneiform Texts: Business Documents of Murashu Sons of Nippur Dated in the Reign of Artaxerxes I (464–424 B.C.) Vol. 9, Series A
1907 Researches and Treatises: A New Boundary Stone of Nebuchadnezzar I from Nippur Vol. 4, Series D
1914 Cuneiform Texts: Historical and Religious Texts from the Temple Library of Nippur Vol. 31, Series A
1910 Cuneiform Texts: Sumerian Administrative Documents Dated in the Reigns of the Kings of the Second Dynasty of Ur from the Temple Archives of Nippur Vol. 3, No. 1, Series A
1909 Cuneiform Texts: Babylonian Legal and Business Documents from the Time of the First Dynasty of Babylon Chiefly from Nippur Vol. 6, No. 2, Series A
1908 Cuneiform Texts: Letters to Cassite Kings from the Temple Archives of Nippur Vol. 17, No. 1, Series A
1910 Researches and Treatises: NIN-IB the Determiner of Fates According to the Great Sumerian Epic LUGAL-E UG ME-LAM-BI NER-GAL from the Temple Library of Nippur Vol. 5, No. 2, Series D
1911 Cuneiform Texts: Sumerian Hymns and Prayers to God NIN-IB from the Temple Library of Nippur Vol. 29, No. 1, Series A
1913 Cuneiform Texts: Sumerian Hymns and Prayers to God DUMU-ZI or Babylonian Lenten Songs from the Temple Library of Nippur Vol. 30, No. 1, Series A
1905 Researches and Treatises: Early Babylonian Personal Names from the Published Tablets of the So-Called Hammurabi Dynasty (2000 B.C.) Vol. 3, Series D
1906 Cuneiform Texts: Babylonian Legal and Business Documents from the Time of the First Dynasty of Babylon Chiefly from Sippar Vol. 6, No. 1, Series A
1906 Cuneiform Texts: Documents from the Temple Archives of Nippur Dated in the Reigns of Cassite Rulers (Complete Dates) Vol. 14, Series A
1906 Cuneiform Texts: Documents from the Temple Archives of Nippur Dated in the Reigns of Cassite Rulers (Incomplete Dates) Vol. 15, Series A
1908 Cuneiform Texts: Legal and Commercial Transactions Dated in the Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods Chiefly from Nippur Vol. 8, No. 1, Series A
1904 Cuneiform Texts: Business Documents of Murashu Sons of Nippur Dated in the Reign of Darius II (424–404 B.C.) Vol. 10, Series A