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Western Asia Minor Marble Funeral Stele
Hellenistic/1st century BC
MS 4023
A man reclines in an arched niche on a tall dining couch or kline. Leaning
on his left elbow supported by a pillow, he holds aloft a funeral wreath.
A woman, probably his wife, is shown in an attitude of contemplation with
her cloak or himation pulled over her head. The three-legged table is laden
with food. Male and female servants, done in a smaller scale in keeping with
their lesser status, fill out the remainder of this melancholy scene. The
inscription across the architrave reads "Worthy Menemachos, son of Diphilos,
H. 70.5; W. 47.0; Th. 8.5 cm. UM neg. NC35-3317.