The Persian Expedition

Originally Published in 1934

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DR. ERICH F. SCHMIDT, field director of the expedition to Persia which the Museum (through the Mrs. William Boyce Thompson Fund) is sponsoring jointly with the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, left this country the middle of January. The various members of the expedition staff should be assembled at Ray (ancient Rhages), the scene of excavations, some time in March, and it is hoped that a report from the field may be had in time for inclusion in the next issue of the Bulletin. Dr. Schmidt will have as his general assistant Mr. George W. Brainerd; Mr. Van W. Knox, Jr. will be the architectural assistant, Mr. Charles H. Topping the surveyor, Mr. Boris Dubensky the photographer, and Mr. Ivan Gerasimoff the staff artist; selection of an epigraphist is pending.

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"The Persian Expedition." Museum Bulletin V, no. 2 (March, 1934): 40-40. Accessed October 13, 2024.

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