A PUBLICATION of much importance in the field of North American archaeology will appear the latter part of June: it is The Archaeology of Cook Inlet, Alaska, by Dr. Frederica de Laguna, a member of the Museum’s staff, who for the last four summers has been engaged in research in Alaska. Dr. de Laguna’s work, much of which was pioneer research, should be most valuable to all those interested in Alaskan archaeology. A generous grant-in-aid from the American Council of Learned Societies has made it possible to present Dr. de Laguna’s report in extenso, including some two hundred and twenty-five pages of text and seventy-two collotype plates, while at the same time keeping the price of the volume down to $3, thus making it more widely available.
The next issue of the Bulletin will be that for September, as circumstances make it advisable to omit the July number.