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Gods & Goddesses


Statue of Amun (E14350) << Statue of Amun (E14350). Late Dynasty 18-early Dynasty 19, c. 1332-1292 B.C.

From an early period of Egyptian history, Amun, whose name means "hidden one," was regarded as a creator god. During the XIth Dynasty (2081-1938 B.C.), he became associated with the city of Thebes as its local protector. By the New Kingdom, when Thebes became Egypt's capitol, Amun had risen to a position of such importance that he was considered the principal sun god of Egypt. He was also known as Amun-Re, who was a form of the sun god. Most often Amun is shown as a human male wearing a crown with two tall plumes (missing on this statue). In his role as a god of fertility, he could also be represented as a ram with curving horns. Other animal forms that Amun could take include the goose and the snake.


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