The Penn Museum is pleased to announce the award of its Lucy Wharton Drexel Medal to Jeremy A. Sabloff, Ph.D., and its Marion Angell Godfrey Boyer Medal to John R. Rockwell. Both Dr. Sabloff and Mr. Rockwell are members of the 50th Reunion Class of 1964; they were honored at a special dinner on April 25, 2014 attended by their families and several of their classmates, as well as the Museum’s leadership, Board of Overseers, and members of the Loren Eiseley Society.
Established in 1889, the Lucy Wharton Drexel Medal is given for achievement in excavation or publication of archaeological work.
5e 2014 recipient—Jeremy Arac Sablo6 —has numerous Penn connections: member of the Class of 1964, Penn parent, former Museum Williams Director and American Section Curator, and former Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Anthropology. Dr. Sablo6’s unanimous nomination by Museum Curators and Williams Director Julian Siggers recognizes his work in Maya archaeology on some of the key scienti7c themes that have animated and advanced the 7eld of Maya studies since the 1960s. President of the Santa Fe Institute since 2009, Dr. Sablo6 is the author of Excavations at Seibal: Ceramics (1975), !e Cities of Ancient Mexico (1989; 2nd ed., 1997), !e New Archaeology and the Ancient Maya (1990), and Archaeology Matters (2008), and the coauthor of numerous additional volumes; his publications re8ect 40 years of archaeological 7eld research in both Mexico and Guatemala. Among his distinguished past appointments are President of the Society for American Archaeology, Editor of American Antiquity, and Chair of the Smithsonian Science Commission.
The Marian Angell Godfrey Boyer Medal was established in 1987 to honor distinguished service by a Museum supporter to the institution.
John R. “Rick” Rockwell, W64, WG66, and Penn parent, remembers accompanying his grandfather to the Penn Museum and to Penn sporting events during his childhood. 5ose early visits sowed the seeds for his later involvement as an Overseer of both the Museum and Penn Athletics, where he chairs the Basketball Board. A deeply worthy recipient of the Angell Boyer Medal, Mr. Rockwell has served on the Museum’s Board of Overseers since 2008 and is a member of the Finance and Marketing and Acquisitions Committees. He has generously underwritten a wide range of conservation, excavation, and exhibition projects and is a longtime member of the Platinum Circle of the Loren Eiseley Society. Mr. Rockwell retired from T. Rowe Price Group in 2007. He served in various senior management capacities, most recently as National Sales Director, T. Rowe Price Retirement Plan Services. He serves on several other not-for-pro7t boards, including the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore. He and his wife, Frances, live in Owings Mills, MD.