The Director of the Museum

Originally Published in 1929

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IN the March number of THE MUSEUM JOURNAL announcement was made of the appointment of MR. HORACE H. F. JAYNE to the position of Adviser in Far Eastern Art. The Board of Managers now has pleasure in announcing the appointment of Mr. Jayne to the Directorship of the Museum.

Mr. Jayne was graduated from Harvard in 1919 and after spending some time studying in this country and abroad, became associated with the Pennsylvania Museum, where, in 1921, he was appointed Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Art, a post which, in addition to that of Director of the Museum, he continues to hold. Mr. Jayne was a member of the first Chinese archæological expedition conducted by the Fogg Museum at Harvard University, this expedition covering Western China and Mongolia, and he was joint leader of the second Fogg Expedition which centered its activities in the Gobi Desert and Chinese Turkestan. Mr. Jayne, with Mr. Langdon Warner, is Editor of Eastern Art.

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"The Director of the Museum." The Museum Journal XX, no. 2 (June, 1929): 202-202. Accessed February 18, 2025.

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