Etruscan architecture looked quite different from the familiar stone temples
and gleaming marble statuary of Greek architecture. Constrained by a lack
of fine stone, Etruscans built their temples of wood, with terracotta roofs
and ornaments. Today the wooden superstructures have almost entirely disintegrated.
Only the stone foundations and the terracotta roofs and decorations remain.
Fortunately, the size and types of terracottas can often tell us what the
whole building looked like, and something of its history.
Roman writers
described an Etruscan temple as a high podium on which rose a broad, square
building with gabled roof, wide overhang, and deep porch. Inside, three
dark chambers ended in solid walls. In front of the temple was an augural
area, where priests stood to observe messages from the gods in the flight
of birds.
A tiled roof protected the perishable wooden or mudbrick building blocks
below. Half-round "cover" tiles protected the joints of a first
layer of flat "pan" tiles. The end of a row of cover tiles was
capped with a terracotta antefix. An array of terracotta fittings shielded
important beams and joints. Revetments included frieze plaques to cover
longitudinal beams, and gutters or simas to draw off rainwater. Beam ends,
where exposed to the elements, were sheathed with rectangular columen or
mutulus plaques. |