Most of our information about Etruscan life comes from images and personal
belongings found in Etruscan tombs. Paintings on the walls of the larger
tombs display funeral banquets, processions, and games that must have been
adapted from the happier events in lifecivic ceremonies, state dinners,
weddings, and rituals of worship. Favorite personal belongings taken to
the tomb show us what men and women wore and valued in life. Sometimes large
tombs symbolize the deceaseds home, which helps us understand what
the house of a well-to-do Etruscan looked like.
We know very little about the majority of Etruscansthose who could
not afford chamber tombs or burial gifts of non-perishable materials. Scenes
of "average" people at work and play do exist, but most pictures
portray only important persons and their families. |