This page includes information that may not reflect the current views and values of the Penn Museum.

A Classical Year
of spectacular programming!

In celebration of the March 16, 2003 opening of an exciting new suite of classical galleries, Worlds Intertwined: Etruscans, Greeks, and Romans, the University of Pennsylvania Museum is offering a full year of related programming, with something to interest everyone!

Below is a list of programs planned or in the planning, with more on the way--so check back often, and plan to join us in a very special Classical Year!

World Tour Program

Tuscany: The Ancient World of the Etruscans

May 4 through 15

May 4 through 15
World Tour Program
Tuscany: The Ancient World of the Etruscans
(with an optional post-tour to Florence)
This tour is scheduled at the most beautiful season of the year and in Italy’s loveliest region. The trip will be led by Dr. Donald White, Curator-in-Charge of the Mediterranean Section and Professor of Classical Archaeology at the University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Irene Romano, co-curator and coordinator of the Etruscan and Roman galleries. As well as unforgettable sites, tour members can count on experiencing exceptionally fine wine and food as guests of some of Italy’s most celebrated hotels, inns and restaurants. For more information, visit our World Tours website. If you are interested in receiving a brochure contact the Women’s Committee Tour Program at or call the Women’s Committee office at 215/ 898-9202 for further information.


Young Friends Event

Bacchanalia Garden Party

May 14

Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.
Young Friends Event
Bacchanalia Garden Party
The Young Friends of the University of Pennsylvania Museum honor Bacchus, the Roman god of wine, with a Bacchanalia Garden Party in the Museum's Stoner Garden. Reservations required. To request an invitation, purchase tickets, or learn more about the Young Friends program at the Museum, please call the Museum's Membership office at 215/898-5093.


Visit the
Worlds Intertwined
Main Page