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- Object[271]
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- american[271]
- alaska[271]
- aleutian islands[4]
- attu island[3]
- bonasila[6]
- cape darby[1]
- cape denbigh[94]
- cape nome[4]
- cape prince of wales[2]
- china poot bay[1]
- cook inlet[17]
- cottonwood creek (alaska)[7]
- daxatkanada fort[23]
- diyaguna'et[1]
- fish creek[1]
- fish creek indian reserve[1]
- frank fox's place[5]
- halibut cove[2]
- hawkins cut-off[1]
- hawkins island[17]
- holy cross[5]
- ishmailoff island[2]
- iyatayet[94]
- kachemak bay[12]
- kaiyuh slough[8]
- kashim[3]
- kateel[3]
- khotol river[8]
- kootznahoo inlet[27]
- koyukuk river[3]
- kugusugaruk[8]
- kuskokwim river[1]
- kustatan[1]
- kustatan/west foreland[1]
- little mike point[3]
- lost river[1]
- lower yukon river valley[19]
- madjujuinuk[1]
- middle yukon valley[3]
- north america[9]
- north slope borough[9]
- northern alaska[3]
- norton sound[95]
- nunakchuk[1]
- nunavak[1]
- old fish camp[7]
- palugvik village[17]
- pillsbury point[4]
- point barrow[2]
- point barrow region[17]
- point hope[10]
- point spencer[2]
- prince william sound[18]
- salmon lake[1]
- seward peninsula[1]
- shemya island[1]
- sledge island[5]
- southeast coast (alaska)[3]
- unalakleet[20]
- united states of america[233]
- utkiavik[8]
- wainwright[1]
- west foreland[1]
- yakutat bay[1]
- yukon island[21]
- yukon willow creek[1]
- aleut[3]
- athapaskan[3]
- eskimo[57]
- indian[1]
- kachemak bay culture iii[7]
- kachemak bay culture sub-iii[1]
- knatana[1]
- modern indian[5]
- norton[73]
- nukleet[21]
- paleo-eskimo[1]
- prehistoric eskimo[40]
- prehistoric indian[6]
- thule[1]
- tlingit[2]
- arctic culture area[271]
- 1-v 12"-18" in midden, above orange subsoil.[1]
- 102.6e 103.8n[1]
- 2 d, 2' - 2' 6", viii (ix?)[1]
- 2 e, 2' 6" - 3', viii (ix?)[1]
- 2 g or 2 f, surface - 3', viii-x[1]
- 2 h[1]
- 2 j, 7' 3" - 8', layer 2[1]
- 2 k 4' 6", iv or v; in hearthy shells[1]
- 2-e approx. 6"[1]
- 2f, 3'6" - 4', viii (ix?)[1]
- 3 e 4', iv or viii[1]
- 3 h 3' 6", viii[1]
- 3 h 8' 3" - 8' 9", layer 2[1]
- 3 j 8' 8", ii[1]
- 3 l 7', ii[1]
- 3' 9"- 4'3"[1]
- 3h, 1'9" - 2'3"[1]
- 4 g 5'[1]
- 4 h 3' 6", viii[1]
- 4 h, layer 1[1]
- 4 j[1]
- 4 k[2]
- 4 k, 13' 8" - 14' 2", layer 1, bottom of midden[1]
- 4 k, 3'3" - 3'9"[1]
- 4'6"[1]
- 4'6" - 5[1]
- 5 h[1]
- 6' - 6'6"[1]
- 8'-9'[1]
- a2e 6-12"[3]
- about 1 1/2 ' below surface of midden[1]
- above roof, house #1[3]
- b2e 0-6"[1]
- b2e depth 6"[1]
- beach[2]
- beach in front of nutbeam's place[1]
- c1e 0-6"[1]
- c2e 6-12"[1]
- c2e depth 4"[1]
- compactly dark midden in pit below loose shells.[1]
- cut bank[1]
- d, 5' 3" - 5' 9", vi and vii[1]
- d1e 18"-24"[1]
- d1w 6-12"[1]
- d3e depth 2"[1]
- e, 2' 6" - 2' 9", vii[1]
- e1e 24-30"[1]
- e1e 6-12"[1]
- e1w 18-24"[1]
- e3e 0-6"[1]
- east point, midden on spit[1]
- f1e 18-24"[1]
- f1w 0-6"[1]
- f1w under large rock.[1]
- floor of porch, house #1[1]
- h, 6'3" - 6'9", iii[1]
- h1e 12-18"[1]
- h1w 6-12"[1]
- house #2[1]
- house 1[2]
- house 110[1]
- house 118[1]
- house 119[4]
- house 12[4]
- house 120[3]
- house 2[1]
- house 203[2]
- house 284[2]
- house 3[1]
- house 33[1]
- house 6[1]
- house 8[1]
- house ruin above second bench above cannery.[1]
- in square d, layer g at 29 1/2 "[1]
- in very shallow midden.[1]
- indian village site on waterbury's place.[1]
- inside house[1]
- ip house[6]
- iy[1]
- iy misc[1]
- iy misc.[1]
- iyaa[1]
- iyea[2]
- iyem up[4]
- iyh[4]
- iyh-2[2]
- iyh-3[4]
- iyh-7[3]
- iyh-7 btm[3]
- iyh-7 mid[2]
- iyhi-t[3]
- iym[5]
- iypa[5]
- iypd[2]
- iype-7 up and mid[2]
- iyz5[2]
- layer 7[2]
- mound 3[2]
- mound 4[5]
- test pit - bottom of black and brown greasy level.[2]
161 - 192 of 271 Records
161 - 192 of 271 Records