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The University Museum, The University of Pennsylvania, was the official sponsor of the Malyan excavations operating under permits issued for each season by the Iranian Centre for Archaeological Research. Excavation funding was provided by grants from the University Museum Excavation Fund. Robert H. Dyson, Jr., then Curator of Near Eastern Archaeology, solicited and channeled grants and donations through the University of Pennsylvania from the following institutions for the purposes indicated:

The Boston Museum of Fine Arts — excavations
Department of Anthropology — travel
The Ford Foundation — travel
The Metropolitan Museum of Art — excavation
The National Geographic Society — excavation
Private Donors — construction of field facilities

The Ohio State University was co-sponsor of the project under the direction of William M. Sumner, Department of Anthropology. The Ohio State University Development Fund, the Graduate School, the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, the Department of Anthropology, and the Near and Middle Eastern Studies Committee provided excavation, travel, and analysis grants. Grants and donations were received from the following institutions for the purposes indicated:

American Council of Learned Societies — travel
The University of Michigan — excavation, travel, analysis
The National Science Foundation — excavation, analysis, GRAs
The National Endowment for the Humanities — publication

Members of the Malyan staff received funding or other support directly from the following institutions for the purposes indicated:

Harvard University — travel
The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago — publication
The University of California at Los Angeles — travel, analysis
The University of Oregon — travel
Private Donors — travel

Research staff, research release time, laboratory facilities, or services were provided by the following institutions:

MASCA, University of Pennsylvania
National Institute of Standards and Technology
The Smithsonian Institution

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