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Class 5 – Fall 2016

Violence and Race

quote bubble icon Focus Question

Is there a connection between patterns of violence and race?

Race is not a scientific concept, yet racism is real in American society. Race is a powerful social idea that gives people differential access to opportunities and resources. Violence has been racialized in the United States, as seen in crime statistics and as reinforced by the news media. This session explores the cultural and sociological consequences of race-based violence.


Introduction & Overview

Featuring a topic primer by Deborah A. Thomas, Professor of Anthropology and Africana Studies, University of Pennsylvania [duration 15:36]

(originally recorded November 16, 2016)

Collections Workshop & Lecture

Featuring collections workshop with Janet Monge, Curator-in-Charge of the Physical Anthropology Section [duration 31:51]

(originally recorded November 16, 2016)

Panel Discussion with Q&A

Featuring a moderated panel discussion with our esteemed speakers (see below); followed by an animated Q&A session [duration 1:26:42]

(originally recorded November 16, 2016)

Moderator & Speakers

Morton Collection Workshop

Before each panel discussion, Museum staff will present a selection of skulls from the Samuel Morton Collection of Human Crania to investigate questions related to the class topic.

In accordance with the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), passed by Congress in 1990, and out of respect for the beliefs of Native Americans regarding the bodies of their ancestors, the Penn Museum does not display or present images of any human remains from Native American people.

LEARN MORE about the Samuel Morton Collection.

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This object depicts potentially sensitive or graphic material.

This object depicts potentially sensitive or graphic material.

This object depicts potentially sensitive or graphic material.

This object depicts potentially sensitive or graphic material.

This object depicts potentially sensitive or graphic material.

This object depicts potentially sensitive or graphic material.

This object depicts potentially sensitive or graphic material.

This object depicts potentially sensitive or graphic material.

Resources & Worksheets

To get the most out of your Public Classroom experience, follow along with our curated collection of resources and worksheets for each class.

Class 5 Full Worksheets


Useful For:Before Class, During Class, After Class

Class outline, speaker bios, reading list, & activity

Class 5 Reading Lists (Academic, Adult, Youth)


Useful For:Before Class, After Class

Suggested class readings for academic, adult, and youth audiences. (also available in the Full Class Worksheets download)