

June 11, 2010

In the final week our Chinese colleagues were with us, we did give them a chance to do something other than work on the Horses.  Our colleagues at Historic Preservation on Penn’s campus gave them a tour of their architectural conservation labs and digital resources and very kindly arranged for them to have a special behind-the-scenes tour of the Liberty Bell and historic district.

Objects conservation student Rose Daly shows the conservators a repair she made to a Northwest Coast hat from Penn’s collections

We also visited the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation labs to see one of the premier conservation training programs in the US.  It was the last week for the students so we really appreciated everyone being so welcoming and giving of their time amid all their other duties.

Carrie Roberts shows everyone another Penn object that she worked on – a bitumen boat from Ur.

Our Chinese colleagues were also able to advise a group of UDel undergraduate students who were about to depart for a conservation project in China.  The opportunity to exchange ideas and information is always so welcome when we work with colleagues from other places.