Ten Years as Editor

From the Editor

By: Jane Hickman

Originally Published in 2019

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I began as Editor of Expedition in 2009, just after I finished graduate school at Penn. Issue 51.2 that year was a special magazine focused on the site of Gordion in Turkey, a Museum excavation that began in 1950 and continues to this day. Since then, I have been responsible for over 30 issues of Expedition. Some were expanded issues on exhibitions like Secrets of the Silk Road, Maya 2012, Beneath the Surface, and The Golden Age of King Midas. Others were issues with themes such as animals in antiquity, mummies of the world, excavations in Italy, the Museum’s 125th anniversary, the site of Beth Shean, our work in Abydos, and objects in our collection from World’s Fairs. We also created issues dedicated to new exhibitions and galleries such as Native American Voices and the Middle East Galleries. Many issues were eclectic, with stories of archaeology and anthropology from various parts of the world. The issue you hold in your hands is another special commemorative issue that celebrates the new Penn Museum: our new Main Entrance and Sphinx Gallery, a renovated and more comfortable Harrison Auditorium, and the completely new Mexico and Central America Gallery and Africa Galleries. We also introduce in this issue the rebranding of the Museum including our new logo.

Jane Hickman examining jewelry in a lab while wearing surgical gloves.
The Editor examines jewelry from the Near East section. Photo by Mike Furlong

The last ten years at the Penn Museum have gone by quickly. My education did not end with my Ph.D., but continues every day as I learn about exciting discoveries in world archaeology and anthropology, the incredible and unmatched Museum collection, and our institution’s legendary past. My job as Editor is to present these stories to you, a task that is only possible with the help of my colleagues: authors, curators, keepers, archivists, photographers, collections staff, and all those who form the backbone of the Penn Museum. I hope you enjoy reading about the new Penn Museum. And that you visit us several times over the coming months to see everything that has changed.

jane's signature


Cite This Article

Hickman, Jane. "Ten Years as Editor." Expedition Magazine 61, no. 2 (November, 2019): -. Accessed September 17, 2024. https://www.penn.museum/sites/expedition/27880-2/

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