Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Christina Griffith

Dogs and Cats and Birds, Oh My!: The Penn Museum's Egyptian Animal Mummies

While most visitors to the Museum are drawn to the mummified people from Ancient Egypt, humans are not alone in […]

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Vol. 61 / No. 1

By: Christina Griffith

The Bear Pipe Bowl: Favorite Object

Most people have a favorite animal that they identify with in some way or in spirit. For me, the bear […]

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Vol. 61 / No. 1

By: Christina Griffith

Halley’s Comet: A Frequent Guest in Earth’s Cosmic Backyard

Every 75 years or so, Halley’s Comet, also known as Comet Halley, passes through Earth’s neighborhood along its orbit. Since […]

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Vol. 61 / No. 2

By: Christina Griffith

The Lost Wax Casting Technique: A Step-By-Step Guide

THE PROCESS FOR CASTING GOLD objects like ornaments and jewelry is the same as that for casting Asante brass weights. […]

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Vol. 61 / No. 2

By: Christina Griffith

The Asante Gold Weights: Practical, Unique, Artistic Tools of the Trade

Within the glass cases in the Africa Galleries, they appear as miniaturized trophies, toys, or jewelry, but these beautifully crafted […]

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Vol. 62 / No. 2

By: Christina Griffith

Revealing Ancient Faces: The Reconstruction of a Neandertal

Revealing Ancient Faces The Reconstruction of a Neandertal [authors] POST-MORTEM facial reconstruction is a technique that uses anatomical knowledge of […]

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