Happy New Year!

Originally Published in 1959

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Happy new year written in different languages.
Happy new year written in different languages.

An old greeting used by many people through the centuries. Here are some of the ways it is written. How many can you identify. Answers are on page 36.

A. Chinese: Respectful wishes for New Year’s happiness.
B. Latin in Rome of the first century A.D.: Happy and prosperous New Year to you.
C. Ancient Hebrew of about 700 B.C.: Good Year.
D. Hindi, India: Let there be happiness in the New Year.
E. Urdu, India: New Year’s good wishes.
F. Egyptian of about 600 B.C.: May [god] Ptah open a happy year.
G. Sumerian cuneiform of about 1800 B.C. in southern Iraq: A New Year’s day rejoicing the heart.
H. Sanskrit, India: New Year’s greeting.
J. Maräthi, India: May you have happiness for the New Year.
K. Japanese: I respectfully praise the New Year.
L. Arabic script used in Persia: I congratulate you on the New Year.
M. Greek: Happy New Year.
N. Thai, Thailand: Happiness for the New Year.

Happy new year written in different languages.
Happy new year written in different languages.

The Authors

FROELICH RAINEY (“The Vanishing Art of the Arctic”) is one of the foremost authori-ties on the circumpolar region. He worked in Alaska under the auspices of the American Museum of Natural History and the University of Alaska the seven years from 1935 to 1942. During that time he conducted archaeological investigations on St. Lawrence Island and in central Alaska on the Yukon and Tanana Rivers. He spent the summers of 1939, 1940, and 1941 at Point Hope where, with Helge Larsen of the Danish National Museum and Louis Giddings of the University of Alaska, he discovered the ancient Eskimo art style to which they gave the name Ipiutak. Since 1947, Dr. Rainey has been the Director of the University Museum.

DAVID CROWNOVER (“Once and Again”) was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1952 where he did three years of graduate work in the Department of the History of Art. He has been associated with the Museum for five years, first as an assistant in the Mediterranean Section, then as Manager of Exhibitions. He is responsible for the reinstallation of the Egyptian and Roman Galleries as well as for
the recent exhibitions of Phrygian and Maya art.

MARIANNE L. STOLLER (“Te-moana-nui-o-Kiwa”) did field work in New Zealand and the Society Islands in 1951-53 and was an assistant in the American Section of the University Museum 1954-56. She is a Fellow of the American Association of University Women and a Fellow of the Social Science Research Council, and is now working on her Ph.D. dissertation in the Department of Anthropology of the University of Pennsylvania. Her subject is early European contacts in some of the islands of Polynesia and in the course of her work she deals extensively with the reports of the early voyages.

Editorial Continued From Page 2

and philosophical approaches to anthropology. We should have been a pretty poor lot of anthropologists had we not accepted with equanimity this rather transparent challenge to debate. As we adjourned, the Soviet delegate, bag in hand, asked the way to the railroad station. “Aren’t you going to stay for the excursion tomorrow?” we asked. “What would be the point?” he replied. We thought we could see a point in spending a day with friendly colleagues, seeing the Citadel of Namur, Roman baths, and a Merovingian castle, but we held our peace as the Soviet delegate set his velour hat squarely on his head and marched off to the station.

Answers to quiz on page 34.
1 L; 2 N; 3 C; 4 G; 5 E; 6 F; 7 B; 8 A; 9 D; 10 M; 11 H; 12 J; 13 K.

Suggested Reading

THE VANISHING ART OF THE ARCTIC HENRY B. COLLIES, The Archaeology of St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection, Vol. 96. Washington. 1937.

HEDGE LARSEN and FROELICH RAINEY, Ipiutak and the Arctic Whale Hunting Culture. Anthropological Papers, American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 42. New York. 1948.

FROELICH RAINEY, Discovering Alaska’s Oldest Town. National Geographic Magazine. September, 1942. Washington.

TE-MOANA-NUI-O-KIWA SIR PETER H. BUCK (TE RANG HIROA) , Vikings of the Sunrise. New York. 1938.

LOUIS ANTOINE DE BOUGAINVILLE, A Voyage Round the World . . . in the Frigate “La Boudeuse” and the Store Ship, “L’Etoile” . . . 1766-1769. J. R. Forster, translator. London. 1772. (There are several editions in French, the first in 1771.)

WILLIAM MARINER, An Account of the Tonga Islands (arranged by John Martin). Boston. 1820. (This is the first American edition; there are several others.)

Also the books suggested in Vol. 1, No. 1 of Expedition.

University Museum Reproductions

One of the many reproductions of art and jewelry available at the University Museum Sales Desk. These are exact duplicates of the originals in our collections; the plaster casts are made in our own workshop, the jewelry outside of the Museum but under our direct supervision. A catalogue of all University Museum reproductions is available; price, fifty cents, prepaid.

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"Happy New Year!." Expedition Magazine 1, no. 2 (January, 1959): -. Accessed September 07, 2024. https://www.penn.museum/sites/expedition/happy-new-year/

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