Grant Received
The National Science Foundation has awarded the University Museum a grant ii the amount of $61,337, effective Septembe 1, 1978. The monies received are being used for taking an inventory of the Museum’s collections and for improving their storage.
Museum Expeditions
All of the members of the Museum staff who have been working in the field, as listed in the Summer number of Expedition, have now returned to the Museum.
After completing the season at the site c the medieval Chapter House of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Alban, Hertfordshire, the Director and Mrs. Birthe Kjolbye-Biddle undertook a two-week excavation c the Anglo-Saxon church of St. Wystan at Repton in Derbyshire, burial place of some of the Mercian kings. Dr. Bruce Bevan of the Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology carried out a cesium magnetometer survey of the churchyard to locate the western defenses of the Viking army’s winter camp of A.D. 874-75.
Museum Exhibition
Early in December, the Third National Exhibits by Blind Artists will be opened simultaneously in the Nevil Gallery of the Museum and the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, located at 919 Walnut Street. The exhibition will be divided and will run concurrently on a rotating basis between the Museum and th Library. It will continue for approximately four months.
Hellenic Cruise
The Museum Members and their guests taking the Museum’s Hellenic Cruise in March will enjoy a roster of distinguished Guest Lecturers, among them the Rt. Rev. Robert Runcie, Bishop of St. Albans; Dr. David O’Connor and Dr. David Silverman, Curators in the Museum’s Egyptian Section. Of course, the Director of the University Museum, Martin Biddle, will lead the cruise and give lectures.
Departure from Philadelphia, via New York, to Athens will be March 13. Return will be from Venice, via London, arriving Philadelphia on March 30. A special pre-cruise visit to Athens is also planned for March 9 through 14 for those wishing to explore that city in depth and at leisure. The cost per person will range from $2653 to $4178 (including all air fares), depending on size and location of cabin, but not including a tax-deductible contribution to the Museum. Members interested in going on the cruise should call Mrs. Margaret Pugh—(215) 243-4023, as soon as possible.
An Honor
Dr. John L, Cotter, Associate Curator of American Historical Archaeology in the University Museum and Adjunct Associate Professor of American Civilization in the University, received the David E. Finley Award from the National Trust for Historic Preservation for outstanding achievement in historic preservation in the United States.
Dr. David Silverman has been appointed Assistant Curator of the Egyptian Section of the Museum and Assistant Professor in the University of Pennsylvania. Before coming to Penn, Dr. Silverman was Project Egyptologist for the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago and the Field Museum of Natural History, where he was also the Visiting Curator of Egyptology.
Dr. James B. Pritchard, Curator of the University Museum’s Biblical Archaeology Section and Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, retired on June 30, 1978, at which time the Trustees of the University appointed him Professor Emeritus. He has also been appointed Emeritus Curator of SyroPalestinian Archaeology in the University Museum. Dr. Pritchard has been elected a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, and is currently at the Institute where he is working on the material from Sarepta.
Editor of Expedition
Dr. James D. Muhly, who is in England this year on sabbatical Ieave from the University, has resigned as editor of Expedition, a post he has held for the last five years. Dr. Bernard Wailes, Curator of European Archaeology, has taken over the editorial duties.