Grant Applications
Applications have been made by the University Museum for the following Federal grants.
- National Science Foundation: Center Support for MASCA: $258,200. Submitted December 1, 1977.
- National Endowment for the Humanities: Challenge Grant for Sustaining Support and Endowment: $1,500,000. Submitted December 19, 1977.
- National Science Foundation: Planning Grant for Systematic Approach to Museum Collections: $69,000. Submitted January 31, 1978 for five years.
Museum Expeditions
American Section: Dr. Robert Sharer is working at Quirigua. Biblical Archaeology Section: Dr. James Pritchard is working in Beirut on the catalogue of pottery from his excavations at Sarepta in Lebanon.
The University of Pennsylvania Press has announced the publication of The Prehistory of Chalchuapa, El Salvador, edited by Robert J. Sharer.
Volume I. Introduction
Surface Surveys, Excavations, Monuments, and Special Deposits
Robert J. Sharer, Bruce Anderson, David W. Sedat, Payson D. Sheets, and Dana Anderson
Volume II. Artifacts and Figurines Payson D. Sheets and Bruce H. Dahlin
Volume III. Pottery and Conclusions Robert J. Sharer
When it entered modern history in the 16th century, Chalchuapa—the earliest known settlement in the southeastern Maya highlands, equidistant between Copan and Kaminaljuyu—had already been a center of human life for nearly three millennia. Extensive research by archaeologists from the University of Pennsylvania Museum has now recovered the past of the Mayan and Olmec peoples who flourished there. The site investigated and exhaustively described here includes over fifty large mounds resting on plazas, house mounds and terraces, monumental stone sculpture, and extensive cultural deposits along the shores of nearby lakes. The theorizing by the field director of the project, Robert Sharer, further advances cultural frontiers in an archaeological context.
Dr. Sharer is the author of numerous articles on Mayan ethnography and archaeology and on cultural theory. He is presently Associate Curator of the American Section of the University Museum as well as Associate Professor of Anthropology.
The price of the publication is $45.00 set (softcovers), $17.00 per volume.
Copies may be ordered from University of Pennsylvania Press, 3933 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104.
Museum Exhibition
An exhibition entitled “One with the Earth” sponsored by the Indian Rights Association from February 28th for approximately three weeks, will be held in the Sharpe Gallery of the Museum.
Mr. Ronald J. Goff, Secretary of the Museum, has been appointed to the Operating Committee for the University of Pennsylvania’s “Development Program for the ’80’s,” as from February 1, 1978 and will represent the views of the University Museum.